Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

if he said so I would trust him, don’t worry I’m sure you’re great

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Thank you, I am sure you are great too!! You are also international right? How are you doing? Where are you from?

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Best of luck to all of you! Only 2 more weeks :slight_smile:

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I’m from Southeast Asia but a quite big city so ig we do have a lot of available alumni. My slate status is not looking great but I think we’ll just have to wait. Don’t stress about interviews too much it depends on availability I think!

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Nice to meet you then!! Here in Spain I guess we don’t have many volunteers either and I try not to continue thinking about the interview, but it is hard. The fact that the Admission Officer didn’t just answer me with a no or told me the same message the University states over and over again :“It depends on availability, not having an interview won’t hurt your chances…”, gives me hope. If he already knew I am rejected he could have simply said that there are no interviewers available or something similar, in that way he could also make sure I don’t keep asking him about it. Who knows, this is just a thought of mine but it would be amazing if it is true and my application has reached the Comitee

Thank you! Of course, at the end of the day we are all trying to achieve the same dream and it really helps when someone supports you.

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“ While we try to make interviewers as widely available as possible, it will not always be possible for a student to have an interview . The absence of an interview will not adversely affect your candidacy.”

I think this should help you. Again, the international market doesn’t have many alumni available for interview :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, I would prefer to talk about something more nice but, unfortunately, my father just lost his job. He has struggled with alcohol for many years, before I was even born. The police of our town saw him drank today at work and you can imagine the rest…I don’t write about this to make you feel sorry for me, really, and I am very grateful for the support I may receive. My question is if I should say something about it to the financial aid, just in case they need to know about if I end up getting in. So they don’t say it wasn’t stated before. Because as you can imagine, even though I work, we are going to have very big problems to pay for rent for example. Thank you.

I am so sorry to hear that. Hope your dad can find another job soon.
I would say keep this to yourself until you get the decision. Harvard is need blind. You can update them once you get accepted.


I agree for now. Keep this quiet until decisions are out.


If they need more information to make a decision, AOs usually do the interviews themselves as they are the ones who have read the application.
From Harvard: “The Admissions Committee must have all interview reports in hand for full Committee. The entire Committee convenes in one room to review all the contenders for admission. Many candidates are re-presented in full Committee, which again may consider a single case for a half hour or more. Full Committee generally meets in the first week of December for Early Action and from the end of the first week of March to the end of the third week of March for Regular Decision.”

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Thank you, that was exactly what I was worried about, I didn’t know if I could change information later on.

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Thank you for your advice

Thank you for your answer! So, they need to have all interview reports ready but can they still present an applicant at Comitee without having requeted an interview for that student before?

I pmmed you

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How to add more schools in my slate account? I can only have one school.

Sofía, I am very sorry to hear about that, but I believe you are strong, I know that you are going to be okay. I hope we see each other at University next year, you deserve it

As a parent whose kid applied last year, I would entreat all students here to switch off from the process until decision day to reduce your stress! Having gone though the process, my advice is that there is nothing to be gained from spending hours on portal astrology and what ifs, because only the final decision matters. Dive into activities that will keep you happy and productive until D-day. I know it’s easier said than done, but honestly it’s the best way to maintain your sanity!


I agree with Collegebound041

At this point (today = March 16) we are two weeks away from knowing Harvard’s decision. There is NOTHING any of us can do. We “did our part” with hard work at school, test scores, activities, etc etc. Harvard is NOT the only school in the universe, if you are pursuing a sought-after degree or skill set (Computer Science, medicine, finance), you WILL have a great future if you attend Harvard or not.

Good luck to everyone


Hi !

I have a problem : I need to correct my CSS profile again but I have already use the fist correction option and I think I can’t correct It again. Whan can I do?