Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

HEartiest Congrats! Wow!

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Congratulations!!! WOW !! Wishing you the very best!!
Please share your stats.

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Daughter got accepted! Tough decision for us cause she is also accepted to Stanford. So so proud of her.


Do you mind sharing her stats, please?

And congrats!

So, what you think for him accepted? Essays? Use of a college counselor?

I was also accepted but had done way too much crap! Don’t get any fin aid and my parents may not pay it :(((

4.0 GPA (unweighted), 5.7 (weighted), 35 ACT, 15 APs (all 5s), great extracurricular, recommendations, no sports, non-legacy powerful essays. Note: Did not use a college counselor. Did not apply for financial aid.


Very impressive! Congratulations again! Thanks for dharing.

What do you mean by powerful essays. What did he write about




Pronouns are she/her. And SHE wrote about various things which made her the person she is. Her journey, her life and her experiences all culminating into who she is and what she wants to do. Break glass ceilings! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Interesting and congrats! Similar situation. Where is he leaning. In our case letting her enjoy the moment but the next 30 days will be tough as she decides!

Waitlisted. I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to get off the waitlist - how does anyone ever get off a Harvard waitlist :sob:


I think you can still apply for aid. Reach out quickly to the Financial Aid office.

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I hope he ends up where he’s meant to be (although itd be great if he could free up a spot on the waitlist :laughing:)

4.0 UW, 1540 SAT, 11 APs, 3 post-AP math courses
AIME + prestigious music ECs/awards
Strong LoRs, essays, and interview
Accepted: Princeton, Berkeley, Tufts, Boston College, UCSB (with Regents)
Waitlisted: UPenn, Barnard, Columbia, NYU, UCSD, UCI, BU, Wellesley
Rejected: USC, UCLA, Northeastern




super late to this, but got in! only college that i was accepted to today – everywhere else i was rejected or waitlisted.


I think it was his EC.

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Accepted! [still in shock]

  • 3.94 UW / 4.47 W, Top 10% of my class, Test Optional
  • 6 APS, 2 DE courses, 14 honors classes
  • Dancer of 15 years
  • 7 clubs (president/founder of 3, officers in all others)
  • College Board National African American Recognition Scholar
  • College Board AP Scholar with Honors, among other decent awards
  • Attended NYLF Medicine summer program
  • Pretty good personal statement, strong LORs

Acceptances: Cornell, Northeastern, Villanova, University of Miami, Boston University, etc.
Rejections: USC :broken_heart: UPenn, Georgetown, Yale

Still can’t believe it!