Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>As with most schools, TCU had by far their most competitive application year ever, in terms of both numbers and qualifications. They do not look at weighted grades at all from high school and they absolutely do have a holistic admissions process. The median GPA for 2013 is somewhere around 3.4 they said. They definitely read every word! That being said, almost all of the kids in our heavily TCU recruited area use TCU as a safety school, and their yield is not high. They’ve done an amazing job of PR, but they have trouble getting the better GPA students to take them seriously. So after May 1, I would keep on them because they will have tons of open spots. Good luck, it’s a great school and I see it as a diamond in the rough.</p>

<p>So is May 1st the deadline for the students that received an acceptance letter to accept TCU’s offer to attend in the fall?</p>

<p>Osser, that is definitely NOT the case this year. There are many students at my daughter’s very highly ranked and competitive school that did not get admitted to TCU this year, but were accepted at others such as UT, A&M, Tulane, SMU and Univ of Miami (with scholarships most of these). These are all outstanding schools but TCU stood out this year as being more selective, at least as concerning the 30-40 or so highly qualified kids we know personally who applied to all of these schools (scholarships were not generously provided, either - if you received one, you are very fortunate). Last year’s yield of about 25% is not low - not ivy-high, but not low. This year promises to be even stronger. The Bloomberg business school rankings have fast-tracked Neeley (rankings for me are not extremely relevant, but when a business publication ranks business programs I tend to pay attention) and TCU is now ahead of SMU, Tulane, A&M, Miami, Wisconsin and many others that may surprise readers on this board. Google “Bloomberg undergraduate business school rankings 2013” and take a peak, if interested. The Honors College is the icing on the cake as far as we’re concerned. Most importantly, we have never heard of a single student not loving their time spent at TCU. The school spirit is unbelievable in our neck of the woods. In short, is it no longer a safety for most.</p>

<p>@dkjamei Maybe it’s just a local thing. I am talking from an area in Cal where 2 of the 3 local high schools are #1 and #2 in the state. Also a host of rigorous private schools. I can literally name 30 kids just off the top of my head who aren’t going to TCU but were accepted. I can count on one hand the accepted students who are attending. I agree, they all loved it, and should, but they all were accepted elsewhere they wanted to go. Anyone who gets into SMU from this area accepts that over TCU. Not one of the TCU commits I personally know this year was admitted to SMU. I personally adore TCU and hope it’s an option for my youngest as it’s definitely on the academic upswing. But in these parts, where hundreds apply yearly, it’s not yet thought of as more than a safety school for top students and a great match for the under 3.5’s.</p>

<p>Hmm Osser, well, it’s sort of the opposite over here. DD WAS accepted to SMU as well as TCU, with an even slightly more generous scholarship offer from SMU than what TCU offered her. While we have nothing against SMU, her research and visits convinced her/us that TCU was the best option (objectively and subjectively), particularly considering the TCU Honors College invite. I personally know other students who went in the same direction as DD this year from her high school (one of top 3 in the state). Have friends in the midwest who will be sending kids to TCU in August, despite being accepted to SMU as well (one particular student’s father went to SMU back in the 80’s). Know of a couple anxious wait listers as well. Will be interesting to see the admissions statistics for the class of 2017, for sure!</p>

<p>@dkjamei that is really interesting that it’s so different! Do you mind telling us where you live? (State). Also, I want to be fair and say I do have a son at SMU, but that is not at all a bias for me. He had a larger offer from TCU, so I secretly wanted him to choose TCU. However, due to TCUs reputation as a safety school here in our area, he didn’t even put it in his top 5. My second son wouldn’t even apply for the same reason. The kids from here that attend TCU are all great B-C students. The kids that attend SMU are typically top 10%. This has shown me how diverse opinions and experiences here on CC can be!</p>

<p>Osser, we’re in TX now. Have friends back in Chicago with kids heading to TCU (both western and north shore suburbs). The factors that have led to them choosing TCU over SMU include TCU’s national reputation/national recruiting opportunities (business school in particular), warmth/friendliness of the campus (very important to Texas and midwestern kids), school spirit/sports teams (also very important to Texas and midwestern kids - interestingly, daughter said that most important clothing to buy was TCU clothing - it’s worn all over, all of the time from what she saw the other weekend), and a student body that hails from many different states (she actually met more midwesterners while there the other weekend than Texans, which surprised me - she stayed with a friend in a sorority and she said that the girls were from a number of different states, including Ohio, Minnesota and Illinois - and every single one was kind and welcoming). Again, I really liked SMU, and she loved the campus. For her, it’s a difference in vibe, and she has heard so many great things about the business program from her own research and TCU graduates that it was a pretty straight forward decision for her to make. She would like to double major in business and journalism, and TCU’s journalism is fabulous (I know SMU has a great program as well). The fact that she received more scholarship $ from SMU than TCU surprised me a little at first, but I understand now that I’ve learned more about TCU’s position. SMU’s tuition is higher as well, so perhaps they do this to even things out a bit?</p>

<p>Go to TCU if you have 5-7 country club memberships. If not, you’re in the minority.</p>

<p>Well I just want into a BSN program near Fort Worth. Cost at this point doesn’t matter because I have applying to go into nursing since last year.</p>

<p>lharvick, yes, May 1 is national decision day!</p>

<p>Thank goodness. Then if that is the case hopefully I’ll hear something in a couple of weeks.</p>

<p>I have a question. I applied for TCU and I was deferred. They want to see my grades for the Spring Semester. I am a transfer student and a Veteran. I will have A’s and B’s for this semester. What are my chances of getting accepted?</p>

<p>I will be attending TCU in the fall of 2013, so excited!</p>

<p>I will probably be attending TCU this fall as well and i cant wait!!! Anybody wannna get in touch before enrolling? :D</p>

<p>Our city (over 300,000) publishes a section of the newspaper that includes stories on the top graduates at each school. I noticed that two of the top graduates were attending TCU. Since I’m an alum, I thought that was great. </p>

<p>One of the top grads at my daughter’s high school (35 ACT, NMF) got the Chancellor’s scholarship at TCU but turned it down to attend Duke (because money is absolutely no object). Another top grad was DYING DYING to get the Chancellor’s scholarship
(because she really needed the money) and didn’t get it but got full tuition at Tulane so the Frogs missed out on a great kid there.</p>

<p>I just reactivated my application for TCU today! I was told I should get an answer in about 1 to 2 weeks on my admission decision. I am very nervous, yet excited. I did not take SATS and am a transfer student with a GPA of 3.625</p>

<p>Per an earlier post claiming TCU being a good “safety school for those with a GPA under 3.5” I think kids applying with that mentality might be in for a surprise.</p>

<p>TCU’s become a lot more selective over the past few years, down to 37.6% acceptance (2nd lowest in TX, behind Rice). The average GPA is above 3.5, and average ACT is above 27.</p>

<p>Any idea when we will find out about early decision for Fall 2015? First time through this whole process and it’s not coming soon enough!</p>