Has anyone been accepted to TCU for the 2013 fall semester??

<p>I got an acceptance last week and will be starting as a freshman transfer.</p>

<p>High school GPA: 2.75
SAT/ ACT: Didn’t take either.
College GPA: 3.0 with 7 credit hours.</p>

<p>I was accepted last week, and I will be starting as a sophomore transfer student!
My GPA was a 3.89 with 27 completed hours. I’m so excited to attend this fall!</p>

<p>My status changed to “your decision has been mailed” - anyone receive good/bad news after portal changing to that?</p>

<p>My son has been waiting for scholarship information to his #1 school TCU. Those who got notified can you please post your stats? He is getting nervous that he won’t get any $$$. He applied and has been accepted.</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted back in December but did not receive any scholarship money, as far as I can tell. Perhaps, they may throw us a bone soon–I don’t know.</p>

<p>I got my scholarship notification letter in the mail today, and I got the transfer dean’s scholarship. $7,500 per semester, $45,000 in total.</p>

<p>After checking my portal over 100 times in the past three months- mine finally says congrats! I couldn’t be happier. I was deferred from EA and sent another recommendation and a long letter displaying how much I wanted to be a part of TCU. My portal said “your letter has been sent” last thursday, but since I am not at home I had no chance of checking! </p>

<p>I wish the rest of you who havent heard anything yet luck and go horned frogs!</p>

<p>I have also checked my portal everyday since the day I finished applying on November 28th. My portal says that an admissions decision has been mailed on Tuesday but I’m really worried that I’m not going to get in. I don’t have the brightest SAT and ACT scores but I have an extremely high interest in their Music program that I expressed in my essay, an interest in their baseball program, and applied with a 3.0 GPA. The anticipation is killing me as TCU is my #1 choice.</p>

<p>My daughter was wait listed or deferred as well. To date, we have not heard anything. Good look to you!</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten their financial aid package from TCU? The wait is killing me :/</p>

<p>We emailed on Wednesday and got a response back yesterday at 2pm saying that “We have not begun the awarding process yet. We anticipate sending out financial aid packages within the next week or two”. Then today at 10:34 we got an email to check MyTCU. My S did not get any money so he won’t be attending. Hope others have better luck.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of those who have been accepted, and I hope to see you here in the fall!</p>

<p>-A Current Horned Frog</p>

<p>To any transfer student like yourself I have a question. Did you only get accepted into TCU but have yet to hear from the nursing admission? If you already know if you got accepted to nursing admission can I ask what process you used. I applied as a transfer student from UTA and the deadline for Fall 2013 nursing clinicals was Feb 1st so I am trying to figure out after reading all these posts how people already found out in they are in the nursing program or not.</p>

<p>I have, but I’m still debating between TCU and Baylor.</p>

<p>If you come in as a freshman declaring nursing, provided you keep a 2.5 you are guaranteed admission to nursing. Transfer students are accommodated after current students. You can always call the nursing school and ask them if letters have been sent out to transfer students.</p>

<p>I received my waitlisted letter from TCU last Friday. I am a transfer student from UTA with a 3.25 science GPA, 3.1 Overall and 94% Hesi score. TCU calculated my GPA differently from UTA. UTA has my overall GPA as a 3.43. I have been waitlisted for both programs for the fall and was waitlisted for UTA for Spring 2013 when I applied last year. I’ve been almost waiting to get into a nursing program for the same amount of time it took me to finish all my pre-reqs and get my Associates. I even work for Cook’s Hospital and THR Southwest which I thought would help my application but TCU I guess TCU does not look at that information. I am assuming they just look at the grades and essay. Does anyone have any advice for me?</p>

<p>lharvik - I would draft a letter to Admissions stating your qualifications and your desire to attend TCU. Send it to your regional admissions rep too. I’d do it today.</p>

<p>I sent one to Jones.</p>

<p>I spoke with Jones this week who said they admitted 120 students as freshman into the nursing program Fall 2013 for which they will only have 80 spots once clinical begin. Guess they plan on attrition?My D transferred as a TCU Freshman from Business into Nursing,guess she was lucky to get a spot but will take 4 and 1/2 yrs total. Sounds like you are terrifically qualified! Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I sent an e-mail to Allender explaining my qualifications and desire as well. I know it is a long shot but I really want to get in.</p>