Has anyone heard from schools yet?

<p>Thank you so much! My decision is all but made, touring one last time (what a wonderful excuse to buy all the UMASS merchandise!) </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone still waiting!</p>

<p>Did anyone from Massachusetts get accepted to Northeastern Nursing?</p>

<p>So far I can only find one person from CA and nobody from MA.</p>


<p>Collegetiger-one of my friends from school was, 3.9 GPA, 2230 SAT. Lots of ECs</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. Do they plan on enrolling? Just curious did they also apply to BC and get in? I heard BC was harder to get into.</p>

<p>As far as I know, yes; she didn’t apply to BC</p>

<p>Dessie, can you share why you want umass Amherst? What about the program do you like? My d has decisions to make!</p>

<p>tiggrsbride: did UMASS Dartmouth provide any merit?</p>

<p>Hi Collegetiger: Yes UMass D did. We are instate and she got a Chancellor’s Merit award for $7000 annually. I had no idea that state schools provided good merit to their instate students! When that is combined with her J and A Adams tuition waiver, the school is incredibly affordable.
D has great options with nice merit awards to consider, but is not thinking about making a decision since her first choice (UMass Amherst)still hasn’t responded.
Has your D heard from Amherst? She has a pretty impressive list of admits!</p>

<p>That is great UMD has a great nursing program but has lots of nuisance kids running around damaging property, smoke alarms getting destroyed all the time and larcenies etc…</p>

<p>Some stuff we observed at campus… setup pretty good, plenty of late night food, parking good, buildings were ugly and the heat control was terrible. Off campus cant be compared to Amherst, but wasn’t lacking stores.</p>

<p>D has friends that attend UMD that really like it. I think that most schools have badly behaved kids. UMass Dartmouth isn’t a pretty campus, but some parts of UMass Amherst are fairly ugly too. I have also seen beautiful colleges that are trashed by their students. </p>

<p>Decisions will be easier when all of the acceptances are in. UMass Amherst is making my daughter very stressed with the waiting game!</p>

<p>Hey mtlakes! Sure, not a problem. </p>

<p>Well first of all, I absolutely adored the campus; it’s big and city-like without actually being in the city, which is nice. I loved the library and the dorms in both central and orchard hill. </p>

<p>The nursing labs are state-of-the-art and very impressive, and the faculty seems to be available-which is nice. </p>

<p>There’s the cost factor as well-I’m in-state and I got a scholarship, so it works out being just under 20 K a year; I want to go to grad school, so that’s important to me. </p>

<p>The only part I’m not insane about is the location; Amherst is farm country, which limits clinical opportunities. However, I don’t live far from Boston; I’m thinking maybe I can work something out so I can get clinicals in the city and then drive back to school. </p>

<p>I hope I see your daughters around campus next year!</p>

<p>tiggrsbride: thanks for the info and the positive comments on UMD. We are also waiting on UMASS Amerst. </p>

<p>Dessie411: Amherst has the farm county, but downtown area, rt 9 busy area, north hampton, and look how far Cooley and Baystate hospital are and you have the VA hospital… Your clinicals will rotate and you have to cover alot of areas so keep in mind you are really only going to have one or two super fascinating clinicals…While I am writing this I am trying to sell this to my self! LOL.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know-I’m just really attached to doing my clinicals in Boston! I’ve heard it can be done, so I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I’m visiting next Friday-I’ll let you all know if I decide to hand in my deposit!</p>

<p>Thanks Dessie! All valid points. Did you hear boston clinicals can be done at Amherst? Like collegetiger says, clinicals are rotated, and doing different locations can be good. You said you are visiting next Friday, will you go on a tour or are you just going? The first accepted student day is February, we plan on doing that to see the students on campus. I don’t think our open house visit was a good indication of the school. D is also strongly considering Umass Lowell.</p>

<p>I’m doing another tour, my mom hasn’t seen it yet; we’ll also be going to accepted students day, and I’m planning on staying overnight with a couple friends in their dorm to get a feel for campus; should be fun!</p>

<p>Anyone else here from UMASS Amherst for Nursing? I am checking on-line every day and am getting really frustrated with the constant ‘Under Review’ status. GRRRR</p>

<p>We have heard from a few more schools but really just want to hear from umass!</p>

<p>Fairfield - Accepted - 14K scholarship
UMV - Accepted - 12K scholarship
Northeastern - deferred
Salve Regina - Accepted - 12k scholarship and honors program.
UNH - Accepted - 8K scholarship
UMaine - Orono - Accpeted</p>

<p>D received her acceptance today to quinnipiac!!! So excited!</p>

<p>Congratulations to Cake’s D! Woo hoo! Quinnipiac is a great program. </p>

<p>Still no word from UMass Amherst. This is frankly getting ridiculous. D is really anxious to hear. According to the UMass website, all EA decisions are supposed to be released by 1/15. I don’t understand why it takes so long and the notifications have no rhyme or reason. Fingers crossed for all of those impatiently waiting seniors!!!</p>

<p>Congrats! Quinnipiac looks beautiful. I saw on the web that it was a split campus can you tell us about where the nursing students live and dorm.</p>

<p>Tiggrsbride: We still don’t have an answer on UMASS Amherst either.</p>

<p>Thanks, guys!</p>

<p>@tiggrsbridge–we have the same problem with Rutgers. SO annoying. D applied like end of August and no word until 12/19, even though we emailed, checked everything etc. And heard from only one of the three schools she applied (not nursing). And only after I finally had her GC call and my friend who is a GC call (same day) because emails were not being answered or answered simply with cut/paste info from the website which we already knew. Then since 12/19…nothing…still sitting there four months later (while other people from her school apply and in two days get accepted). Totally turned her off (among other things). She will get the rest of her answers by 1/31, but she doesnt even care now. </p>

<p>@Collegetiger. Yes QU is gorgeous! From what I understand so far, nursing students live with the rest of the freshman and sophmores on North Haven campus (main campus) for the first two years and take classes there. Then when they are juniors they have the option to live in the apartments (2nd campus) which has a shuttle that goes back and forth. Then I think most/all of their classes are in the third campus/health science building (and I saw the teacher/education department there as well) I remember they said the shuttle does not go there (which is strange to me). So you have to have a car to drive there. But I figured D will need a car for clinicals at that point anyway. The campuses are very close…we visited the science building and it only took a few minutes drive to get there.</p>

<p>Quinn is definitely top consideration. Scranton is a high consideration also because the hospitals are walking distance and everything is right there as opposed to Quinn’s 3 campuses, so that’s convenient.</p>