Has anyone heard from schools yet?

<p>ACCEPTED! University of Delaware’s Nursing program for D. Woot! Woot!</p>

<p>Congrats to cakeisgreat
Your D will have lots of really great choices </p>

<p>we are still waiting to hear from the schools.</p>

<p>Thanks flowermom! we were surprised because we weren’t expecting it. We have just been in the habit of checking the portal everyday and boom there it was!</p>

<p>hoping you get some answers soon and plenty of acceptances too!</p>

<p>Quinnipiac has three campuses, two are a few minutes apart (Mt Carmel and York Hill), and the North Haven campus (where the nursing, health science, new medical school and future law school are all located) is about a solid ten minute drive. Thus far, there is not housing on the North Haven campus, so students either dorm ten min away at Mt Carmel or York Hill - MANY amazing housing facilities, a lot of suites, beautiful campuses. Upperclass students can live in off campus housing, or find their own off campus houses. The school is beautiful, the Sleeping Giant State Park surrounds it (lots of hiking), and the nursing program is stellar within amazing facilities, next door to the brand new medical school. Visit the facilities and campus - Best of luck!</p>

<p>Received my acceptance to Quinnipiac yesterday! 18,000 Dean Scholarship!</p>

<p>Also been accepted to:
Mount St. Mary’s</p>

<p>Waiting On:
College Park
Messiah </p>

Gtown </p>

SAT: 1900 superscored
GPA: 3.986</p>

<p>400 hours of volunteer service (most at local hospital)</p>

<p>National Honor Society
National Art Honor Society
National Spanish Honor Society </p>

<p>All honors and AP Classes</p>

<p>Congratulations fhgirl22! Your stats are nearly identical to my Ds. Good luck on the rest! Which colleges are your top few?</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from URI’s nursing program? Congrats to everyone that has heard and good luck to all those still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>My D still hasn’t heard from URI, but I believe notifications should occur this week. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thank you Tiggersbride. I know portal says “late January” but wasn’t sure. Could be another 2 weeks of nail biting!</p>

<p>I got my acceptance from Delaware yesterday! I was really surprised. It was my “reach” school because when I visited they said the nursing program had a 3% admission rate for OOS students. I was also accepted to Pitt.</p>

<p>My stats in case anyone’s still feeling out their chances:
1980 superscore SAT
3.7 GPA (cyber school)
Extra curriculars: Girl scouts & nationally ranked athlete</p>

<p>I go to a small private school in CT, tons of ECs, leaderships roles and good recs.
SAT = 1860 (CR650 M590 W620), the math is what kills me!
GPA weighted = 4.2</p>

Fordham (no nursing, but I wanted to give it a try anyway)
Salve Regina

Villanova (number 1)
Georgetown (huge reach) </p>

SUNY Stony Brook
U Pennsylvania (huge reach)
UConn (legacy) </p>

<p>I used to be obsessed with Nova, but getting deferred got me to really look into other schools. Loving UConn at the moment & going on a campus tour tomorrow! </p>

<p>hello all! checking in. found out rejected from nursing program at rutgers but accepted for physics. no problem really as it was last choice. still waiting on uconn, Villanova, northeastern, tcnj, rit, Catholic ( but not going because its a 2/2 program we found out).</p>

<p>how is everyone else doing any new acceptances?</p>

<p>Good morning all! My D has heard from all of her applications finally. Quinnipiac’s portal updated yesterday and she was accepted. She has acceptances from: UMass Amherst, UMass Dartmouth, Mass School of Pharm, Simmons, Regis, UNH, Colby Sawyer, UNE, URI and Quinnipiac. She was deferred from Northeastern. Two merit packages arrived yesterday, but I don’t believe that they offer enough to sway her from her first choice, UMass Amherst. She is doing an overnight at UMass Amherst with pals tonight, and will be visiting the UMass accepted student day next month. Now it’s time to send in the forms indicating that she will not attend the other colleges, opening up slots to prospective students. Best of luck to all who are still waiting!</p>

<p>It is so wonderful to know everyone got all these great choices!
Right now, my D has been accepted to a 2+2 and we are happy with that.</p>

<p>We are still waiting to hear from 1 more school. We won’t know the admission decision until end of March / or April.
Due to a heavy snowstorm, our school system has been closed for 3 days now so mid year reports are not even ready for the colleges … grrrr…not good.</p>

<p>I am so happy to find a nursing thread! Congratulations to you all who have your decisions. D was accepted EA to UVA.</p>

Villanova (Deferred EA)
Univ. of Washington</p>

<p>Anxious: Congrats on UVa! That is where I went and where my son attends (neither of us for nursing though). There is a very active forum for UVa on collegeconfidential under “top colleges”. </p>

<p>@tiggrsbride how was the over night at umass Amherst? </p>

<p>Congratulations to all for all the amazing acceptances!</p>

<p>Accepted to Pitt and Gonzaga’s nursing programs! Still waiting to hear from Penn’s</p>

<p>Hi Cake, her overnight was great! She loved the campus vibe and the dining hall. She can envision herself there. We need to do the accepted student day to help her decide if she wants to be a part of the honors college program. Did your D commit to Quinnipiac?</p>

<p>@tiggrsbride that is so cool that she had a great time at umass. We are going to visit in the summer for daughter #2 for food science. It looks like a great school.</p>

<p>D LOVED her student for the day at quinnipiac. I do believe she will commit there but we are waiting for tcnj and uconn and rit (PA program long shot) to see. Udel is still a good consideration but d sparkles every time we go to qu. Northeastern and Villanova are slim possibilities bcz of the finances and she is deferred to both currently. </p>

<p>so its between quinnipiac tcnj Udel and uconn…but really thinking it’ll be quinnipiac!</p>