Opinions on Hecht vs Stanford?

<p>So I've read about the belief that Hecht is the "party dorm" while Stanford is the studious dorm. Many posts I have read were from a couple years ago. Is this still the belief today?</p>

<p>As Zinc stated previously, each dorm and atmosphere is re-invented annually with each new crop of freshman. Stanford won the last 2 years of Sportsfest. They are basically identical towers and each is 1/2 women, 1/2 men. There is a covered walkway from Stanford to the dining hall. I believe that if you want a substance free atmosphere, the floors are located in one of the Stanford towers. (don’t quote me on this!)
You can’t go wrong with either…</p>

<p>As someone who lives in Stanford, I can confirm that Hecht is pretty much known as the party dorm and Stanford is kind of the studious/music kids dorm. Hecht’s lobby is newly renovated and definitely nicer, but Stanford is closer to the dining hall and has a covered walkway there (which is nice when it rains).</p>

<p>DinDune and kimaples - thank you two for your responses. I am just wondering because I am not a drinker and I don’t party a lot but I still do here and there.</p>

<p>Out of interest - what exactly makes Stanfords lobby less nice? Both times I’ve visited campus I have seen Hecht and never thought to visit Stanford.</p>

<p>Hecht is known to have a newer lobby and elevators. Don’t know if Stanford has been updated at this point. </p>

<p>Personally, other than the above, you will meet and make friends in each dorm, and you are assigned, so don’t stress about it!!</p>

<p>My D lives in Hecht. Although she is very social, she does not drink. She loves Hecht. No worries, you will be happy in either dorm. She has friends in both, and they all think theirs is the best.</p>

<p>@unsure-- The Hecht lobby is newly renovated so it’s just nicer, but no one really spends time there anyway. Also, Stanford has the substance free floors if that’s something you’d be interested in. I live on one right now and I have met most of my friends on my floor. I was afraid there would be a lot of religious freaks or something, but that’s really not the case. It’s more of just people who want to live in a quiet place where people don’t barf and pass out in the hallways.</p>

<p>Hey kimaples. </p>

<p>Thanks for replying to this thread…didn’t think anyone would find it and reply lol. Despite all the hype about Hecht, I am considering Stanford for the substance free floors. I’m not a drinker (Not that I’m a party pooper :slight_smile: I party occasionally but don’t drink and prefer just hanging with friends). Just a couple questions:</p>

<li><p>I keep hearing that Hecht’s elevator is “better.” What makes it better? Do they move faster or is it just a looks thing?</p></li>
<li><p>Are the substance free floors at the top of the tower?</p></li>
<li><p>I know you mentioned in the post before that you confirm the “party dorm” mentality about Hecht. Is there any reason why Hecht seems to become the party dorm every year?</p></li>

<p>Sorry for the loads of questions, just really interested in UM! Currently down to 3 schools and I would say UM is tied for favorite with one other at the moment.</p>

<p>Stanford is having new elevators installed this summer…Sub free floors are at the top of Rosborough tower in Stanford. 6 floors, I believe, 3 guys, 3 girls.
No idea why when there are new freshman each year, that Hecht has that reputation, but each year 2000 new freshman arrive in Coral Gables and each dorm reinvents itself …no validity to the theories of party dorm or non-party dorms.</p>

<p>Good to hear Stanford is getting new elevators, as that’s the main reason I chose Hecht over Stanford…

Basically, the amount of time you spend in the elevator going up and down the tower to/from your room (especially if you are in one of the upper floors), really adds up over time. And the Stanford elevators (before this summer) are older and slow compared to Hecht’s, so it takes a lot of time. From what I’ve been told by students, it’s really noticeable and really adds up.</p>

<p>… the elevators are basically the same. Maybe in Hecht they look a bit nicer.</p>

<p>And in Pearson they talk. That’s the only difference.</p>


<p>That’s great about the new elevators. If I go to UM, I really don’t care too much about which dorm (unless I want substance free but i don’t know yet)…Hecht has a nicer lobby but Stanford has the covered walkway so i’d say it’s even with elevators out of the question.</p>

<li><p>The elevators there just look nicer. Ours lurch a bit but I heard they’re replacing them. They still get the job done. I’ve been in Hecht’s elevators and I really think they take about the same time.</p></li>
<li><p>Substance free floors are 7-10 I believe.</p></li>
<li><p>I think Hecht become the party dorm every year because they hear the rumors that it’s a party dorm, so people with that kind of mentality flock there. The stereotypes kind of perpetuate themselves.</p></li>