I hate to throw in this question from a worried parent amidst the excitement about admissions…my child, whom we thought was thriving at her BS the first term and half, now appears to be struggling socially and mentally at the beginning of her spring term. In her first term and a half, she hit her stride quickly, never expressing homesickness, making several close friends almost immediately, exceling in classes and even slightly enjoying a team sport (she’s not an athlete). However, towards the middle/end of second term, she began to mention being sad, overwhelmed, having anxiety, and not “fitting in” with most of her class, which she describes as cliquey and disappointed that she had nothing in common with them. She cried most of the night before returning to school from spring break and hasn’t seemed to bounce back in over a week. She’s even stopped texting or calling us at night before bedtime which, of course, worried us even more. In short, by her own admission, this BS, which she was thrilled to attend last fall, was not what she expected, and she is having trouble feeling motivated in class and feels no bond with most in the freshman class. In our last tear-filled conversation she even went so far as to say that she can’t see doing this for another three years, especially as academics get even more intense in 10th and 11th grades.
She’s been to the school counselor a couple times but doesn’t seem to have described in detail most of what I’ve described above. Instead she wants to put on a happy face and hasn’t shared any of this with her closest friends or advisor because, in her words, she really doesn’t have any “real problems” compared to some friends and will just sound “whiney.” And she doesn’t feel that sharing it with anyone will help, anyways. For the past several weeks, while she’s been at school, her mood seems to oscillate from general sadness, anxiety about test in a subject she’s weak in, or social anxiety about not fitting into her class to “I had an okay day, but I don’t know when things will get bad again.” There probably hasn’t been truly joy-filled moments since mid-January.
Would appreciate any advice from BS veterans out there. Or even those experienced with teenagers in general. Our dilemma is, how much longer do we let this go on before we pull the plug and just say, “maybe it’s best you come home”. Or, when is it most appropriate to practice some tough love and say, “this is part of BS, everyone struggles, and you need to challenge yourself to overcome this with the school’s and our help, and we promise you will be stronger on the other side?”