<p>This may seem like an “out there” suggestion for someone on the west coast…but…it sounds like you need a financial safety in case the finances don’t pan out with your family or with an F/A package that doesn’t include all student loans (yuck!)</p>
<p>If your family can’t pay its EFC, then you need to consider schools that will give you big bucks…</p>
<p>U Alabama has a rowing team, AND would give you a full-tuition scholarship (automatically) for your high stats if you apply for admission and apply for scholarship by Dec 1. This scholly is worth about $80k for an OOS student because the scholly increases to cover any future tuition inceases!!
) please, see below. </p>
<p>You would also qualify for entrance into the Honors College (must apply), and then you’d be able to be in the awesome honors dorms, have priority registration, and take the small honors classes. </p>
<p>Students in the honors dorms each have their own private room (yeah!) which is in a 4 room suite with a living room, kitchenette and 2 bathrooms (kind of like a 4 bedroom apartment - each kid with his own room)</p>
<p>Both of my kids go there and LOVE it. One went on the NMF scholly and the other is on the Presidential scholly. The school is gorgeous, the academics are strong, the dorms are NICE!!!, and the spirit is high. We are California natives, so I can honestly tell you that UA is not some “deep-south” school. :)</p>
<p>Here is a link to the newest honors res hall. [Housing</a> & Residential Communities - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/ridgecrestsouth.cfm]Housing”>http://housing.ua.edu/ridgecrestsouth.cfm) When you go to this page, scroll down to the smaller pics and you’ll see various pics of the interior & exterior of the res hall.</p>
<p>Here is a link to the Virtual Campus Tour [Virtual</a> Campus Tour - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)
I recommend viewing in full screen. Then use your mouse to “move around”. Be sure to also click on the numerous icons on the bottom to view various parts of campus.</p>
<p>Presidential Scholar
An out-of-state first-time freshman student who meets the December 1st scholarship priority deadline, has a 32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT score and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will be selected as a Presidential Scholar and will receive the value of out-of-state tuition for four years. </p>
<p>Also…depending on your major, you would also likely get awarded department schollies. DS2 was also awarded an Engineering scholly on top of his Presidential.</p>