Help my friend (junior) pick some schools that would fit her

<p>My friend-</p>

<p>1700 SAT I's first try. Currently Junior. Don't know GPA, pretty good EC's.</p>

<p>Looking for schools that are really good in History/Philosophy/Religion.<br>
Please suggest 1-2 reaches, 1-2 matches, and 1-2 safeties, although i'm sure our state university will be one of those.</p>

<p>Need more information. Geographical preferences, size preferences, urban/suburban/rural location, university or LAC.</p>

<p>^ i understand.<br>
size: 2000< X < 15,000
location: anywhere in the US is fine, urban/suburban, preferably not rural.
University of LAC is okay.</p>

<p>Here are the best schools for History Majors:</p>

<p>Bowdoin College
Brown University
Centre College
Colgate University
College Of The Holy Cross
Columbia University
Drew University
Furman University
Georgetown University
Grinnell College
Hampden-Sydney College
Harvard College
Haverford College
Hillsdale College
Kenyon College
Oberlin College
Princeton University
Trinity College (CT)
Tulane University
University Of Virginia
Wabash College
Washington And Lee University
Yale University</p>

<p>for your stats, I’d look at Drew, Hampden-Sydney, Hillsdale and Wabash (if you’re a male)</p>