Helping out with course selection

<p>I stayed home this morning to help my daughter out at Bama Bound by signing in at 9 am to add classes to her schedule since she will be unable to register for classes at BB this early. So far I’ve been unable to add any classes. Isn’t it supposed to be open at 9?</p>

<p>It has a hold that reads “Register only at orientation”. So does this mean it will not be open to register for classes until she does so later today?</p>

<p>I’m in but get the following:</p>

<p>Closed Section: There are no seats available in this class. There is also no waitlist available for this class.</p>







<p>Standard Letter Grade</p>

<p>FRSeminar:Judicial Procedure</p>

<p>Closed Section: There are no seats available in this class. There is also no waitlist available for this class.</p>







<p>Standard Letter Grade</p>

<p>Honors: Alabama Action</p>

<p>Closed Section: There are no seats available in this class. There is also no waitlist available for this class.</p>







<p>ABC/NC grade only</p>

<p>Precalculus Algebra</p>

<p>Closed Section: There are no seats available in this class. There is also no waitlist available for this class.</p>







<p>ABC/NC grade only</p>

<p>Advanced English Comp - FLC</p>

<p>I am at BB trying to do the same thing. I can’t get any classes to register. They all say that no seats are available and that there is no waitlist, except for ANT102 which says it is closed and has a waitlist. It says there are no holds.</p>

<p>I was also trying to register the judicial procedures class and the same math section as you were.</p>

<p>Did your students meet with an advisor at Bama Bound prior to y’all trying to register for classes? If not, this may be the problem:</p>



<p>Source: [Honors</a> College - Honors Bama Bound](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>Malani, should they meet with an advisor in the Honors College or in the College of Arts and Sciences (English major)?</p>


<p>The students are generally sent to advising based upon their major at a specific location. They will not be able to register until they do this…the hold will not be lifted until they do and it isn’t always at a set time for all BB attendees. Honors can’t do their advising for their major.</p>

<p>Yes, you do have to get your advising hold lifted by your major department, not honors. Encountered this when trying to register for summer classes. </p>

<p>There should be a breakout session for your major as part of Bama Bound. You’ll meet in a large room, a professor will talk, and they may even hand out work sheets or have something up on an overhead projector. </p>

<p>If you have a blank week schedule with the hours in the day so you can put in your classes, that will help.</p>

<p>"Yes, you do have to get your advising hold lifted by your major department, not honors. Encountered this when trying to register for summer classes. "</p>

<p>Montegut…I don’t think that’s true for these incoming frosh. Their depts aren’t the ones to release reg holds. </p>

<p>BB students…</p>

<p>It looks like your registration hold has been lifted, BUT, the depts haven’t yet released their seats for BB.</p>

<p>Just keep checking.</p>

<p>I was able to change a student’s schedule this morning for a class that had open seats, but not for a class that still didn’t have it’s BB seats released.</p>

<p>The UH seminars just opened up. I was able finally to register my D for everything she wanted. you just have to keep trying because some things didn’t open up until after 10am central time. My D is on her way to meet with advisor now and do the scheduling portion of BB, but I was still able to register all of her classes.</p>

<p>my daughter could only get the 8 am MA112 class. all other sections were closed. she wasn’t able to get any UH155 class as none of them ever opened up to her. she got SOC101, PY101, EN103 (which only had one section open but thank goodness with a good professor per rate my, and PHL140 which is a new philosophy course offered this year to incoming freshmen. the only question we have is how PHL140 fits into her degree. it doesn’t look like it meets any core requirements for English majors. the professor that teaches this course indicated to her that it is an “H” course. what does that mean? also, any thoughts into whether or not we should try to switch out one of her classes for a UH155 course if it opens up later. what a day! lol!</p>

<p>azaleamob251, Which EN103 and MA112 did you get – we are here for BB starting tomorrow and will register Friday. Trying for MA112, EN103 as well as GY101 (which all say closed), EC110, UH120 Honors Year One…</p>

<p>Trying to come up with another Natural Science in case we can’t get into GY101 and also maybe a Fine Arts?</p>

<p>I think the “H” designation is for Humanities. Sorry to hear y’all had such a hard time. I think we just got in at the right time-purely by chance-to get the UH155 class. I wouldn’t have checked again but my daughter insisted and we were shocked to see it was open. They said that more UH seminars would be put on the schedule throughout the summer so you should keep checking to see what comes open.</p>

<p>My D registered for AY101 and 102 (lab), MA112, UH155: Judicial procedure, PSC204 and FR202. She actually scored high enough on the language placement test to enroll in a 300 level French course so she plans to change FR202 to FR321. Fortunately it won’t change her remaining schedule. Her earliest class is at 9:30am on T-Th.</p>

<p>We did lots of planning before going to BB and she said it really helped. According to her there were lots of kids that had done no preparation and were scrambling to find classes that were open which wouldn’t conflict with other classes. All in all we had a great time and the cafeteria food is much better than it was when I went to UA! :)</p>

<p>bamaaf - she got 48387 for EN103 and 41019 for MA112. my daughter couldn’t get GY101 either. try looking at SOC101 with colin farrel. other people on CC said this was an easy course that fills one of the core requirements. good luck!</p>

<p>GY101 at 11am T-Th was open today. The prof is Tinnon who gets great reviews. I can’t remember how many seats were open, just a few I think. </p>

<p>There were several MA112 classes open earlier today, but most of them were early in the day, and all had TBA for professor. </p>

<p>I was told by one of the parent ambassadors that he took AY101 and GY102 for his natural sciences and loved both of them.</p>

<p>My D is happy with her schedule so now we just have to hope she passed all of her AP tests. :)</p>

<p>PHL140 which is a new philosophy course offered this year to incoming freshmen. the only question we have is how PHL140 fits into her degree. it doesn’t look like it meets any core requirements for English majors. the professor that teaches this course indicated to her that it is an “H” course. what does that mean? also, any thoughts into whether or not we should try to switch out one of her classes for a UH155 course if it opens up later. what a day! lol!</p>

<p>Do we know if the new Philosophy class has the H designation? If so, then it does fulfill a Core Req’t. English majors don’t have different Core. Does that class show a Humanities designation in MyBama? </p>

<p>On Day 2 of the next Bama Bound, try to switch the math if you can.</p>

<p>Today we helped a student fix his schedule. He had attended the One Day BB last week. This morning around 9:30 am, we were able to change his Chemistry and Spanish classes.</p>

<p>Hi mom2collegekids, this is azalea’s D. Do you know who we should call to find out about the philosophy course? I also think H stands for honors. On the core checksheet I was given, HU stands for humanities. The phil. course I am taking is not listed under the core checksheet under humanities. It has other phil. courses, but not this one. Thanks.</p>


<p>I don’t think it’s an Honors Course. I don’t see anything that indicates that.</p>

<p>I just looked on MyBama and that class doesn’t have a Core Designation, so it doesn’t look like it wil count for Core. </p>

<p>I don’t know what that person meant by saying that it’s an “H” class. </p>

<p>You might want to send a short email to Dr. Richards and ask him if the class fulfills a Core Req’t and/or if it’s honors.</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>