HELP!- Will I be accepted?

<p>Hi, I am going to be applying to colleges in the fall and I am going to be applying to nursing schools. I just am a little nervous about my chance of acceptance. I have a 3.79 gpa or 4.58 weighted. I did receive a 1670 on my sats but will be taking them again in oct and hoping to get at least an 1870. So let's say I have a 3.79 gpa and an 1870 sat score what would my acceptance chance be at PSU nursing or Delaware? I would like a bigger school/ any other college rec? also should I write my common app essay about nursing if I am applying to the nursing program?</p>

<p>U Del out of state is one of the most difficult programs for nursing admisssion. It also may end up being one of your most expensive options, even if you get in. Treat it as a reach school, and make sure you have some colleges that are BOTH academic and financial safeties. An academic safety is useless if it is unaffordable.</p>

<p>What state do you live in? While it certainly is true that OOS admission to UD for Nursing is highly competitive you should be aware that over 2/3rds of the freshman nursing class (85-95 students) every year is made up of OOS students (so it is not that UD only accepts a few OOS students for nursing). IMHO if you have the GPA/SAT scores you feel you will have then I would suspect that you have at least a chance of being accepted for nursing to UD (to PSU as well) but certainly it is not a “shoe in” for either school. You might want to consider taking the ACT exam. Some students tend to do better on this exam than the SAT exam. It certainly can’t hurt to see (other than the cost). As far as your essay question is concerned certainly if you have had any type of nursing or healthcare experience and can relate this to your interest in matriculating in nursing this would be a good topic for the essay. Many schools have a school specific supplement to the common app (UD is one of them) and often you have the opportunity to write an additional essay for this supplement. It depends on the school. It probably would be advantagous to write something about your interest in nursing in one of these essays. Good luck. </p>

<p>Thank u both! @Mwallenmd‌ i live in PA, and if i were to get accepted into PSU nursing and Delaware I would most likely choose PSU bc of the in state tuition, do you know of any one who goes to PSU and what their scores were? Also I am going to be taking the SAT’s in oct so won’t be applying with scores to all of my schools until late oct when I receive my new SAT scores, is that a huge disadvantage you think? Bc i won’t be applying to colleges until late oct? I feel like ACTs may be good to try but i can only take them in september and then maybe once after that and I feel like it may be too late by then.</p>

<p>I believe you will be competitive for Penn State. My daughter was admitted to their nursing program, but she used her ACT score. Penn State admissions is typically a simple matter of GPA and standardized test scores vs. the more holistic admissions that are used at many smaller colleges.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that in-state tuition for U. Park is now about 17K and goes up to $19K for the last 2 years for nursing. Penn State also does not provide much aid. I’d also consider applying to West Chester, Bloomsburg, York College (which is a private college with tuition that is equal to Penn State, plus York provides substantial merit aid), Indiana, Pitt and some others. </p>

<p>Many private colleges in PA. provide substantial merit aid to top applicants, such as Alvernia, Missericordia and Wilkes. </p>

<p>If you would be eligible for substantial PHEAA grants, it pays to choose a college inside PA. </p>

<p>This fall, new applicants will be able to apply for a BSN at 5 different branch campuses of Penn State. This is an expansion of the previous associates degree programs.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The link also says that new U. Park nursing students must spend all 4 years based at the U. Park campus (which typically includes a year at Milton Hershey Medical Center). They cannot transfer from a branch. </p>