<p>yummm, blondie brownies are absolutely deliciousssss. too bad the shaw's near my house stopped selling them :-/</p>
<p>Name: Sunniva (Sun or Sunny)
Location: WV
Fav School Subjects: Art, history, german
Fav Colors: Purple and blue
Fav Dessert: Cremesicles, walnut brownies
Fav Celebrity: Jon Stewart
Fav Bands/Singers: Modest Mouse, The National, Wolf Parade, Death Cab, Spoon, Beck, Sondre Lerche, Kings of Convenience, The Strokes
Fav Movies: Amelie, The Sting, Sneakers, The Lord of the Rings!!!, Being There, Back to the Future
Fav Author: Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Murakami, Ishiguro, Dave Eggers, Michael Chabon, Virginia Woolf
Hobbies: Painting, drawing, listening to music
I eat Cool Whip plain, like ice cream
I only wear argyle or striped socks
I eat capers and mustard with nearly anything
I will not buy anything made of animal products (including suede shoes, leather belts, Skittles, etc)
I like lima beans and steamed cauliflower</p>
<p>dude...... i do the Cool Whip thing too!!! its soooooo good.</p>
<p>miaoling! maudlin korean dramas rock my th*ngs. in fact im korean myself. </p>
<p>ha! happygirl, mr. burn's secretary, what was his name again? yeah, wutever his name is, they really look hot together. </p>
<p>you pple here have so much in common w/ me.</p>
<p>Sorry to disappoint - I'm really, really old. Let's just say I was 20 in 1970.</p>
<p>My D was accepted ED to Brown, so obviously it was her first choice.</p>
<p>I think the two of you made a great choice. You'll love it. Hmmmm, is Brown the most distant US university from Hanoi?</p>
<p>Name: Tainter (not my first)
Location: Portland, OR
Fav School Subjects: All sciences, math and econ
Fav Color: Gold
Fav Dessert: MY chocolate teddy bear cookies
Fav Celebrity: dont follow celebrities
Fav Author: Frank Herbert, Orwell
Hobbies: blogs, soccer, movies, basketball, backpacking, video games
I like rain. Heck, I love it.
Favorite temp is 65 degrees.
I used to climb trees a lot but I'm too big now :(.
I'm a guy, but bake cookies. Org.a.smic cookies.</p>
<p>Don't have pics... I know your disappointed.</p>
<p>@h20nline: no offense meant. Surely you worked it out yourself? There are plus sides to Korean dramas, objectively speaking, but I think too many people dropped dead of leukamia and heart attacks, and too many more fell in love with their bro/sis or something. And it didn't help either that they shot "Love Stories at Harvard" at UCLA:D But tell you this <em>whispers</em> I'm gonna love the romantic scenes when I find my boy;)
Whoa beprepn, that was a surprise! I sort of assumed parents don't get involved in random threads like this, but hey, you got to be cool b/c your D got in Brown;)
Relatively speaking, distance doesn't make that much of a difference b/c I'll have to cross the Atlantic to reach the East Coast anyway. In some way Brown may even be the closest one b/c it's right in Providence (or I need remedial Geography lessons:D)</p>
<p>Name: Leah
Location: Seattle, wa
Fav School Subjects: spanish, english, history, choir if that counts
Fav Color: blue, green
Fav Dessert: so hard to choose..i love cookies and brownies
Fav Celebrity: angelina jolie, sean penn
Fav Author: agatha christie!!
Hobbies: singing/music, soccer, reading, and hanging out with my friends is the best
I don't really have any that i can think of...these aren't really quirks, i guess but:
I swear waaay tooo much, it's really hard for me to type on cc
I get scared really easily, but I always wind up watching scary movies
I've never eaten meat (that i know of, i guess)
I almost always eat once an hour or I get really hungry! I don't know why.
Since everyone's talking about bugs, I always herd them outside, or put them under a cup and take them outdoors.
I eat frozen peas
I'm addicted to texting
It's impossible for me to start my homework before 9, I don't know what I do before that but I just can't.</p>
<p>One of my four pics online!!! farthest right
<a href="http://photobucket.com/albums/d167/estrella72/?action=view¤t=100_2304.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://photobucket.com/albums/d167/estrella72/?action=view¤t=100_2304.jpg</a></p>
<p>I kill bugs, especially spiders. My room got a spiders nest in it when I was little and I got lots of bites. They die now. If their outside I'll leave em' alone but inside they gotta go. No bug invades MY house...</p>
<p>I forgot to mention I used to burn ants with magnifying glass and would pick up potato bugs from the garden and drop them from high places to see if they would die. I was a delightfully cruel little buggar...</p>
<p>Also wanted to say that its sad to hear all the talk about not eating meat. Meat is good and I love it.</p>
<p>alright thanks for letting us know</p>
<p>Tainter: Amen, meat is the best! Good to see someone else here who enjoys the culinary arts.</p>
<p>Squiggle88 - Is it hard to ride the unicycle? I've been wanting to try forever, but the only one I've ever seen around has been locked to a bus stop sign for 10 yrs. </p>
<p>Sunniva - Amelie is a fantastic movie. Jean-Pierre Jeunet is such a quirky director. I love the surreal environments and smart camera angles he always uses. If you ever pass by these movies, be sure to check em out - Delicatessen, City of the Lost Children, A Very Long Engagement</p>
<p>Estrella72 - I'm really glad to see someone else also saves the buggies :D.</p>
<p>If there are any classical instrumentalists in here, please speak up. If all goes well, we may be seeing each other at Brown in the near future and can hook up for some ensembles. Reppin the sexy a$$ cello here.</p>
<p>tropical- yeah, i find it difficult. i'm not very good at it, but it's still fun. i have a short unicycle, and i've heard long ones are easier so who knows.</p>
<p>I'll be sure to watch out for the longer ones in that case. It certainly seems difficult to ride. Does reverse pedaling break, accelerate backwards, or have no effect?</p>
<p>pedaling backwards does indeed move you backwards, something that i'm definitely not a master of...along with making smooth stops lol</p>
<p>miaoling - just to clarify/// love story in Harvard was shot in USC!!!! not UCLA... my friend who goes to USC almost broke down crying when they put "Harvard Law School" sign on one of the USC buildings.. (she got lots of pics of hot korean actors/actresses though..lol)</p>
<p>and yea tropical-cello here as well;)</p>
<p>and Legally blonde was shot in USC too...</p>
<p>USC has a beautiful campus//xD</p>
<p>miaoling & h20nline: i, too, am a korean drama fan!!! i'm not korean.. but i've been friends with &/or dated ton.. plus, when i go to the philippines, they're always on! plus.. the whole dying of leukemia, eyeball cancer, or finger cancer is soo hilarious!! my favorite one was full house .. & even tho its not a drama.. i loved my sassy girl!! they're doing an american remake, but i'm not sure who's in it..</p>
<p>Rain(actor/singer) is SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE in full house///.. I love him. lol</p>
<p>I feel.... out of the loop. I hate sappy dramas. Why are you all into Korean stuff? You guys have 79,541 channels or something? I have 6.</p>
<p>Squiggle - That must take so much finesse lol...definitely more than on a regular bike. Pedaling backwards - that one I cant even fathom hahaha. I'm so used to the forward motion that I am sure I'd overcompensate weight distribution and fall flat on my face. </p>
<p>There's one guy at my school whom I've heard to ride the unicycle on some pretty rugged trails. He's pretty dark and handsome as well. I'm sure you'd love to meet him ;).</p>
<p>Happygal - What pieces have you been up to?</p>
<p>Edit - I know nothing about korean dramas but koreans girls are hot as hell! Woohoooooooo</p>