<p>Name: Jessie
Location: Oakland, CA.
Age: 17
Height: 5'0"...on a good day! Yeah, I'm pretty darn short. :)
Shoe Size: 6
Hobbies: Geez, I have so many. I can kind of be over enthusiastic at times! Let's see, I love: swimming, acting, reading ,writing, surfing, biking, dancing, music (playing piano and sax, and just listening to all different kinds), good conversations, math, history, philosophy, teaching, etc. etc.
IQ: No idea! I've never been tested and I don't really want to be. I'm skeptical of those tests.
Favorite Food: Froyo! (frozen yogurt).
Personality: Ugh, I hate having to describe myself, because I usually find that one's self-perceptions are completley different from how they appear to everyone else. Oh well, I'll be hypocritical: I'm fun, enthusiastic, ambitious, nerdy, outgoing, can be kind of crazy and quirky, but also very serious (depends when you catch me), outspoken, opinionated, loving, stubborn, somewhat ditsy with an only sometimes successful drive to be witty and make people laugh.
Odds of Getting into Brown (on a scale of 1 to 10): Somewhere between one and ten. Hehe. How am I supposed to know the answer to this question? I'm not an admissions officer. I'm just applying (regular, although I'm pretty sure that Brown is my first choice) and hoping for the best!
Why Brown: Liberal, new part of the country, open curriculum (and the academic philosophy behind this system, as well as the pass-fail policy), cool location, seems to have cool kids, I've heard excellent things about it. I don't really care so much about the reputation, but everyone who I've talked to who goes there says they love it, and when I visited I was definitely won over. It just seemed right for me, you know? (although I'm sure there are many schools that are right for me, blah, blah blah. :) )</p>
<p>Wow, I just basically wrote an essay. I have finals this week so I'm procrastinating, and doing a damn good job!</p>