Hey Brown Applicants: Let's Talk About YOU!

<p>Tropical- hahaha that's great :)</p>

<p>Name: Liz (short for Elizabeth)
Location: Orlando, Florida (moved from Los Angeles), born in Ft. Smith, Arkansas
Fav School Subjects: Television Productions, AP Art History & AP World History, AP English
Fav Color: Crimson, or earth colors. Actually, I love all colors.
Fav Dessert: Coconut ice cream with fried banana medallions covered in hot honey with roasted sesame seeds. DIVINE.
Fav Celebrity: Joss Stone or James Marsters or any of the Harry Potter people (Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Emma Watson!), and of course, LINDSAY LOHAN! And Sarah Michelle Gellar. I'm obsessed.
Fav Author: Zindel, Rand, Hugo.
Hobbies: Making videos, writing (poetry to news to fiction to science articles), drawing, designing.
I have a lot of strange hang-ups, like my hate for the word "conflagration."
I love little-known grammar things, like how "..." is called an ellipsis and "?!" is called an interrobang, et al.
I am addicted to fashion magazines, runway shows, the Style Network, and the Bravo channel.
I hate the show "Ambush Makeover." Such poor tastes, those people! Ugh, I can't believe how often they choose dark lipliner with light lipstick.
I'm a sucker for ALL things British. Especially people. British people = my loves.
I like obscure real languages, or real languages (real meaning not mystical) not commonly spoken--but my favorite language is English.
I'm afraid of bugs to a very unhealthy degree.
My favorite bands include the Buzzc0cks and Placebo.
I like European pop music.
I always say what's on my mind, especially at the worst of moments in the worst of places.</p>

<a href="http://myspace-601.vo.llnwd.net/00224/10/60/224270601_l.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://myspace-601.vo.llnwd.net/00224/10/60/224270601_l.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://myspace-656.vo.llnwd.net/00129/65/63/129073656_l.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://myspace-656.vo.llnwd.net/00129/65/63/129073656_l.jpg&lt;/a>
That was me over a year ago (maybe two years) when I still had my comeover days with one of my best friends.
The both of us look nothing like that now... we were once so young!
I'm a chameleon when it comes to looks.</p>

<p>^^ Whoa yea! You look real young in the first pic. Cool girl, cool girl. </p>

<p>If you love the British you hafta check out Faulty Towers. Its an ancient comedy, but you should be able to find it at the library.</p>

<p>Hahaha, it still wasn't Harvard after all. Just word of mouth from a pal of mine. Rumors do get distorted after a while, but you see, there's always a grain of truth in them.
Everyone here is hooked on Full House, that is, except me, of course. I never even got to see a full episode, but I loved the song "Three Bears" nevertheless. It was the cutest thing ever.
Don't know if Korean girls are hot, but Mediterranean guys are definitely heartbreakers;)</p>

<p>Name: Kathryn
Location: About 2.5 hours outside of Chicago
Fav School Subjects: English, Latin, Prob/Stat, Chemistry
Fav Color: Purple
Fav Dessert: Tiramisu and Breyer's vanilla ice cream with cherry pie filling
Fav Celebrity: Jake Gyllenhaal
Fav Authors: Austen, Joyce, Dostoevsky, Mann, Proust
Hobbies: music, films, writing one-acts and short stories, working on my novel, throwing pottery
Quirks: I am the queen of quirks, so there are way too many to list here. For one, I memorize things complusively</p>

<p>Name: Rebecca
Location: Sacramento, CA
Fav School Subjects: Math, Spanish, Public Policy, Media and Society, Government, hope to major in Sociology
Fav Color: Aquamarine
Fav Dessert: Frozen Yogurt (Something I will miss in college, this place around the corner from my house makes Oreo yogurt that is amazing, especially mixed with espresso)
Fav Celebrity: I'm not much for celebrities, but I have a thing for Richard Gere circa the early nineties. And I love Gilmore Girls.
Fav Author: Anne Tyler, Trevanian, Fitzgerald, etc...
Fav Music: Rilo Kiley, David Gray, Feist, Matt Pond PA, Magnetic Fields, Bright Eyes, Shins, Simon and Garfunkel, Andrew Bird, Decemberists, Antony and the Johnsons, Death Cab, anything lovely and soft.
Hobbies: Exercising, reading, yoga, internships, babysitting
I have a phobia of cool whip (in response to the cool whip lovers =])
I also would love to leave CA
I enjoy depressing movies
My favorite Jewish holiday is Yom Kippur
I wrote a poem for my main college essay
I love all green vegetables and I'm currently obsessed with ruby red grapefruit. I try to add spinach to everything I cook, and I enjoy cooking
I probably drink about 8 cups of coffee on an average day, but I think I'm caffiene-intolerant. I worked as a barista for about 6 months at a local coffee shop
All but one of my pairs of pants are men's
I love turtlenecks and I have a bit of a winter coat fetish
I've never been kissed (the guys here leave much to be desired)</p>

<p>Photo (Senior picture): <a href="http://rebecca-marie.tripod.com/photos/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://rebecca-marie.tripod.com/photos/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>haha Korean girls ARE hot. I'm a witness to you all. if i knew how to work that photo bucket thing i would prove it to u all.
i think russian guys are the sexiest heartbreakers.</p>

<p>hi...i'm new to the Brown forum...^__^</p>

<p>miaoling ~ i just started watching Full House (dubbed in Thai though cuz i don't speak korean) lol</p>

<p>h20nline ~ i think korean guys are hott XD lol right now i'm obsessed with tvxq (wahh, i know i know, totally stupid >.<)</p>

<p>What, h20nline? The sexiest heartbreakers are the English boys, of course. :)</p>

<p>Like many, I'm a sucker for an accent. David Gray, anyone?</p>

<p>David Gray is pretty good. Boy band Blue of England is awesome. Their melodies hella surpass Backstreet Boys, 98 degrees, and N'Sync although their lyrics are a bit weak. The name is generic so its harder to dl their songs off a file-sharing program, but get em if u can!</p>

<p>Chibiajiajin, what exactly IS your nickname? Sounds half Chinese to me, literally - "jia" and "jin" are very common sounds in Chinese.
@Effulgent: yeah yeah, you mentioned your soft spot for British stuff. Aren't you hooked on Daniel Radcliffe or Rupert whatsisname who played Ron Weasley? Personally I think Radcliffe wants a bit more acting skills, but both of them look really cute.
Believe it or not, I can't remember how many guys there are in Blue. I only listened, never watched;) Long live pure music! You can find mp3 or wma recordings for every song online by Googling the name of the song in parentheses with the extension .mp3 or .wma on. Beware of adware though.</p>

<p>anyone want some chocolate??</p>

<p>cuz I'm gonna go poooo...</p>

<p>miaoling ~ my nickname is japanese, actually ^__^ chibi = small, little; ajiajin = asian (person). basically, me. haha</p>

<p>Name: Samantha
Location: SC (AWESOME RIGHT?!)
Fav Color: Green or Blue
Fav Dessert: the chocolate lasagna at olive garden is to die for
i like cheesecake too
Fav Celebrity: i like to look at sean faris
Fav Author:
Hobbies: Reading, Listening to Music, wathcing tv and movies, eating bags of chocolate chips, talking to my friends
We aren't close enough for me to tell you these things yet! but I am learning how to speak Farsi from my bff</p>

<p>Here's me -
<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/holysmockzbatman/Sam2.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/holysmockzbatman/Sam2.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/holysmockzbatman/graduationthingy2.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v315/holysmockzbatman/graduationthingy2.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>One is a little blurry and the other casts weird shadows on my face but i guess you can figure out what I look like between the two.</p>

<p>samantha-my bff is teaching me farsi too! haha weird.</p>

<p>no no russian guys for sure and with the accent, they're delicious. BUT korean guys are tasty too. I can't wait to go back this summer :)</p>

<p>Is it just me or is this topic over run with horny asian girls and a few korean drama obsesed males? Any one else on here? Cause I can handle only so many horny asian woman and weird korean lovers and I need to know there are other people applying to Brown.
No offense to horny asian girls, I love em', I just need to know I'll beable to escape em' ;)</p>

<p>hahaha well, i'm not a horny asian girl and i've never seen a korean drama. although i hope you can put up with someone who doesn't kill spiders. :)</p>

<p>lol amen bro. They're flaunting their ethnic tastes.</p>

<p>Is Brown your top choice?</p>