Hey Brown Applicants: Let's Talk About YOU!

<p>mmmm dry honey nut cheerios and a cup of crysanthemum tea...</p>

<p>My friend can write farsi but I'm just going for conversational for now, to make it a little easier. </p>

<p>tainter-is that actually from star wars? i've never seen the first (or last, whatever) 3 star wars. except i watched the last part of the sith, and i have to say hayden christiansen is the worst actor i've ever seen. he's as close to a robot as a human can possible be.</p>

<p>oh and if we're all talking about gg, i loved rory-tristan! dean was just too straightedge and whiney. i've kinda stopped watching though so i don't really know how i feel about logan.</p>

<p>Name: Stephanie
Location: California
Fav School Subjects: English, Spanish, history, journalism
Fav Color: Lime green, orange, mustard yellow, brown (ha)
Fav Dessert: Pumpkin pie, iced vanilla lattes
Fav Celebrity: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Larry David, Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Scarlett Johansson
Fav Author: John Irving, Pablo Neruda
Music: Bob Dylan, Belle & Sebastian, Coldplay, Bright Eyes, Frankie Valli, Kaleidoscopio, Mana, Juanes
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music, writing, hanging out with friends, sleeping, eating, blogging, photography; adventures!
1. I have a thing for middle-aged Jewish male comedians (see "Celebrities").
2. I've worked in a coffee shop for almost 7 months now. My secret ambition is to turn all my experiences there into a TV sitcom. I also want to write a screenplay or novel, period.
3. I snort when I laugh.
4. I, too, cannot stand cereal and milk together.
5. I eat everything except onions on burgers.
6. I think I was Latina in my past lifetime. (In this one, I'm Chinese.)
7. I adore Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons (they were cool about a century ago, aka 1969).</p>

<p>miaoling, I LOVE THE BRITISH. And I'm not too fond of Radcliffe (despite his better acting skills), but I do adore Draco Malfoy (played by Tom Felton) and Rupert Grint (who plays Ron Weasley). I'm not fond of Tom or Ron, though.</p>

<p>And Christian Coulson, the guy who played Tom Riddle, not Voldemort, in HP 2 was simply beautiful.</p>

<p>Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak.
But if you feel like I feel.
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.</p>

<p>Frankie Valliiiiii!</p>

<p>Good to see someone else here loves oldies also.</p>

<p>Estrella: No its not from star wars. I was just saying that he's freakin awesome in starwars. That particular quote is from "A Time to Kill"</p>

<p>tropical - YAYYYY A FAN! I adoooore that song. I really want to see "Jersey Boys"! Have you heard about it?</p>

<p>Never heard of it, but if it has anything to do with oldies im all for it. It's not a movie is it? I've been a little outta touch with everything mainstream at the moment.</p>

<p>It's the newBroadway musical based on the Four Seasons. It's supposed to be really good.</p>

<p>Haha, send em over to Cali! :)</p>

<p>i'm female. and not particularly muscular.
i love tristan.
i shaved my head to raise money for cancer ($4000 roughly) and also donated my 18 inches of hair as a wig for a cancer patient
i felt like naima after the event. or g.i.jane</p>

<p>Name: Jessie
Location: Oakland, CA
Fav School Subjects: Theatre, History, Literature, Bio, Spanish, Math (sometimes)...yeah, basically everything. I'm easily interested in things.
Fav Color: lime green.
Fav Dessert: Fro-yo (Frozen Yogurt)
Fav Celebrity: hmmm...well I have huge thing for Jake Gyllenhaal, but I wouldn't call him my favorite celebrity. Gee, I don't know though!<br>
Fav Author: Fitzgerald, Dahl, Vonnegut
Favorite Music: Everything! Seriously, I like anything from April March, Mates of State, Cake, Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, Depeche Mode, Billy Joel, Queen, David Bowie, Rolling Stones, Velvet Underground, Of Montreal, Bob Dylan, Pinback, Atmosphere, Grateful Dead, etc, etc, etc.
Hobbies: Reading, Swimming, Acting, Listening to Music, Biking, Hiking, Surfing, Writing, Music, just hanging out with friends, TV/Movies, Games, etc.
Quirks: I'll just write five for the sake of being concise.
1. I play solitaire when I get really stressed out and can't focus on anything else.
2. I have to work out everyday or I get really antsy and cranky.
3. I am COMPLETELY addicted to caffeine, especially in the form of diet coke.
4. If I find myself in a situation in which I don't know something (like when I get into an argument as to the accuracy of something) or hear a word I don't know I immediately have to look it up or it will bother me forever. (I almost always have a pocket dictionary with me, and sometimes even an almanac, and I'm not even that huge of a geek otherwise.)
5. I set my alarm and microwave things on odd numbers. (For example, I wake up for swimming at 5:32am instead of 5:30 and microwave my instant oatmeal for 1 minute and 17 seconds.</p>

<p>Pictures etc: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/littleonejess%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.myspace.com/littleonejess&lt;/a> ....Or....
<a href="http://pics.livejournal.com/jess_is_here%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://pics.livejournal.com/jess_is_here&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Jessie, I have the same quirk number 5, too!</p>

<p>I set my alarm at 4:47, just because. Also, the time would really be 3:37, 'cos I always set my clock 1 hour and 10 minutes early. The one hour usually serves to shock me when I wake up, thinking I'm late, so I am immediately alert. Funny thing is that is ALWAYS works, 'cos I can't seem to remember in the morning that for every morning for the last couple of years, my clock has been an hour early.</p>

<p>The ten minutes is just to make sure I won't run late.</p>

<p>effulgent- that's hilarious.
strawberry- i also do #5. i don't know why i can't just set the microwave for 2 minutes. it just has to be 1:57 or something like that. my alarm is set to 6:02. there's gotta be a name for this! lol</p>

<p>I believe they call it FRS - Female Randomness Syndrome.</p>


<p>I set my alarm one hour early so I can get that satisfying treat of an extra hour of sleep each day.</p>

<p>Triceps, your crazy... I like you, but that just makes apsolutely no sense. And Thunderbeast. Wow. That is really commendable. I would shave my hair for cancer too but its short and no one wants it so it might bring 10 cents maximum. I was just kidding about the beastly cheerleader thing.
I'm addicted to caffeine in the form of chocolate. I'm the only guy I know addicted to chocolate (other than older brother). Runs in family I guess.
FRS... Hmmmm Interesting hypothesis Tropical Triceps. If you don't mind me asking, what are tropical triceps? Are they tanned, well defined and rock hard or sun-blistered, white and flabby? Weird name. But again I like it. Do you get the name from doing nothing but tricep curls?</p>

<p>Name: John
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Fav School Subjects: History, Econ, Gov't, English, Chorus
Fav Color: GREEN
Fav Dessert: ....Red Velvet Cake...yum!
Fav Celebrity: Julia Roberts (What can I say..she's local)
Fav Author: Robert Penn Warren, Wilde, Elliot
Favorite Music: All choral music (I'd marry Eric Whitacre if it were legal), jazz and lots of pop stuff.....
Hobbies: Singing, writing, watching C-span, hanging out with friends (haha)
1. I'm addicted to the Weather Channel
2. I work at abercrombie and I wear all AE
3. I live in atlanta and I drink pepsi
4. I like playing tennis at 1 in the morning
5. I hang out with my voice teacher for fun (she's 60)</p>

Anyone who's fav color is some kind of blue or green has to be a cool person. Do you get discounts at A+F for working there? All the girls in this forum are gonna crowd you to you in a sec.</p>

Dude, I hafta admit, you are one cool mofo yourself. I have to keep posting and checkin in this thread to make sure you don't draw all the girls away. I chose the name TropicalTriceps because back as a 110 pound stickman, my triceps were the only visible muscles, and therefore the only ones I could brag about. I also go to Hawaii all the time and am in love with bodyboarding, so the "tropical" was a necessary modifier. It is the dumbest, most shallow name ever and I'm glad you caught on. Most people miss the irony and that makes me a sadd sadd panda.</p>

<p>haha, female randomness syndrome! I like it. I mean, afterall, we all know that women are crazy. (Not necessarily in a bad way though!)</p>

<p>But yeah, I just can't bring myself to set my alarm, microwave, etc to a "normal" time. It's probably a "people who should get into Brown" thing, don't you agree? :) I don't understand why times like Two Minutes or 6:00 get any more attention than any other number. Who says they are better?</p>

<p>Effulgent-why do you get up at 4:47? Do you do crew or something? I always complain about who early I have to wake up for swimming, but compared to you that's nothing!</p>

<p>MaintainYourVelocity-I work at a cafe and have some hilarious experiences there that would make an excellent sitcome. We have some wacky folks who come in there and I get the strangest questions sometimes! The other day some middle-aged man I didn't even know stopped me in the middle of an order and asked me how old I was. When I told him I was a senior in high school he proceeded to ask what my GPA and SAT scores were, and then tried to evaluate my chances at Brown. I guess that's not <i>so</i> bad, considering most of us have shared our stats with complete strangers on "chances" posts, but those have some anonymity and are at least voluntary. This guy was just plain out nosy and competitive. I was a bit taken aback. Haha.</p>

Tropical Triceps-Don't worry about him stealing all of your girls away. Anyone who uses the term "sad, sad Panda" definitely has a chance in my book. Hehe. Plus, Hawaii, bodyboarding, surfing and all that jazz are awesome. </p>

<p>Wait, so are you guys already in Brown or are you all starting out on the great, excruciating wait?</p>