Hey Brown Applicants: Let's Talk About YOU!

<p>hey...as an italian i take offense to that heartbreaker comment!</p>

<p>i'm white, not asian?</p>

<p>horny? who says im horny lol. jeez u pple. i'm all for brown academics.</p>

<p>No way yo...korean girls are always sensual!</p>

<p>wow you horny ppl.</p>

<p>Name: Allison
Location: the South, unfortunately.... (even though I do like the grits!)
Fav School Subjects: Environmental Science, Psychology, European History
Fav Color: anything super-bright...esp. turquoise, orange, etc.
Fav Dessert: just plain dark chocolate, nothing added. preferably from Switzerland (Lindt and Alprose are my absolute fav's, I got hooked when I went to Europe)
Celebrity: don't watch t.v. or really follow celebrities....I love Jake Gyllenhaal in October Sky, though...so cute and sincere!
Fav Author: my absolute fav. writer of all time is poet e. e. cummings; i also like pablo neruda--his poetry is totally deep and fun to read out loud, even if i don't know all of the words (yet), and i'm working on translating some of his poems from a book I got for Christmas
Hobbies: piano, running, reading poetry, cooking, goofing off with my sis, hanging out with my awesome friends
Music: classic rock and classical....Yes, Zeppelin, Floyd, the Stones, etc. + Debussy, Bach, Sibelius
Quirks: I do my homework at coffee shops (I absolutely cannot concentrate at my house); I'm a super healthy eater; I'm a perfectionist and a procrastinator (bad combination, I know)</p>

<p>wow, judging from his picture, i didn't know tropical was so...girl oriented. =P</p>

<p>well, i'm pretty sure i'm not getting into brown w/ my gpa, but it reads like a nice bunch! and for the record, i love dry cereal. (try post selects blueberry morning.)</p>

<p>Fav School Subjects: English, Math, Sciences (ALL), Foreign Language, PE, History
Fav Color: olive, pink
Fav Dessert: 'nana split
Fav Celebrity: jim carrey
Fav Author: dahl, sachar, dickens
Fav Movie: hmmmm :)
Hobbies: piano, arts.....
Quirks: </p>

<p>I'm weird. Shouldn't even bother listing...</p>


<p>eat cereal with milk like NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS..</p>

<p>j/k. peace.</p>

<p>Name: esther
location: bc, in canada
fav subjects: literature, history, econ...ok fine, i like chemistry too shhhh
fav color: presently, teal, indigo
fav dessert:tiramisu
celebrity: chad michael murray. i choose to ignore all reports about infidelity.
sports: CHEERLEADER, field hockey, basketball
music: jack johnson, barenaked ladies, sahara hotnights, bright eyes, hillsong, and fine..i admit, i love britney
quirks: i've never had a cup of coffee in my life, i shaved 18 inches of hair off, when people pet my bald head i purr, i love bantering, the cutest couple that never was :rory and tristan</p>

<p>omg, thunderbeast, i totally agree with u on that rory and tristan thing. i was so heartbroken when he was sent to military school or whatever. at least they brought on jess to cheer me up! wow, i sound like such a dork.</p>

<p>samantha and estrella -
My best friend is teaching me Farsi too, I have been learning for like the last two months. She is fluent and I want to be fluent too, but that is going to take a lot longer. I might even want to take it in college, even though it doesn't serve much of a practical purpose.</p>

<p>I agree w/ Happygirl. Cereal is meant to be consumed w/ milk. :) hehe guess what. I luv soggy cereal. That's another quirk. Yes, Korean girls are quite sensual, I agree.</p>

<p>I know that I want to take Italian in college for fluency - study abroad junior year and so I can talk to some of my relatives and I've taken spanish for 5 years so I don't think Italian should be extremely hard for me.</p>

<p>But I want to take Farsi too, just cause I like the language, so I think I'll probably take a couple classes at some point during college as an elective.
BTW, do your friend write Farsi, too? Mine can't so I'm just goin' conversational...</p>

<p>soggy cereal?</p>

<p>ew thats messed up.</p>

<p>TropicalTriceps - Umm... Brown is in my top three.</p>

<p>Estrella#72 - I kill spiders in my house, not outside (anymore). I can understand not wanting to kill the cute little guys, it's just that when I was a kid I got a great deal of pleasure out of killing small, helpless creatures THAT BIT ME!
YES THEY DESERVEd TO DiE! AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL!! (thats from Samuel L Jackson if you didn't know. He's pretty much the awesomist Jedi ever.)</p>

<p>Um... "Thunderbeast"... ur a cheerleader? Please tell me you are not a male cheerleader. Esther sounds female but you can never tell.
And to tell you the truth, beastly female cheerleaders kinda scare me. The rippling muscles, the mustache and the cigars all combine to freak the hell out of me. Ur not actually a beast are you?
If you ARE a girl... why did you shave ur head? And are you in Canadia's Vancouver? or maybe even Bamf or whistler? cause I've been there. (yes I ski)</p>

-She can't write, but I am more interested in learning the language and being conversational than anything else. Writing and reading are simply secondary for me.</p>

<p>I wasn't much of a Rory-Tristan fan. I'm all about Rory-Logan...but I also loved Dean. Rory-Marty is the best relationship that never was, but I don't go for bad boys.</p>

<p>^^^^ omg! huge rory-tristan fan! esp since tristan was chad michael murray!!! (drools...) i liked dean too, but not after rory-jesse.... when jesse was there dean was soo annoying!</p>

<p>sorry cereal rocks my th*ngs OK??</p>