High GPA /Poor Sat

<p>Junior Black Female in NYC Public School
SAT:May 2005
SAT II: Taking Math II in JUne
AP English and US History in May
GPA: 92</p>

9th-Honors Geometry, Honors Biology, Global, Spanish 3,4, English, Art
10th-Honors Algebra, Honors Chemistry, Global, Spanish 5,6, English
11th-AP US History, Honors English, Physics, Math B, College Business Course, Medical Lab
12th- WILL BE AP Calc AB, AP Biology, English....</p>

Altar Server (9,10,11)
School Step Team (10,11)
Church Youth Group (9,10,
Church Sunday School Assistant (9,10,11)
Church Choir (11)
History trip to Paris (10)
S-prep courses (chemistry) at Columbia University (10)
Volunteer in Dean's office at school (10,11)
Gateway Institute for Pre-College Education (9,10,11)
Worked in Pediatric Ward at hospital (9)
American Chemical Society Project seed (10& 11) (research lab)
Fashion Model
NAACP Act-SO Competition</p>

Leader of Step Team in Fall</p>

Student of the month_Social Studies
Perfect attendance
Second Award and NAACP award at NYC Science and Engineering Fair</p>

<p>Hopefully my score will increae.</p>

<p>What schools have strong science programs and are diverse in Northeast?</p>

<p>Shouldnt you list the SAT score?</p>

<p>I don't think anyone can help you unless you give your score, no matter how low it is (remember, 2100 is "poor" to some people).</p>

<p>getting a "poor" SAT isnt the end of the world. colleges will look at you other things, such as GPA, ECs, rec's, etc.</p>

<p>I haven't taken the SAT yet. I'll take it MAY 7.</p>

<p>then why are you worried about getting a "low" score</p>

<p>get the princeton review book (they're good) and study</p>

<p>I have to put four schools on the SAT to send my scores,</p>

<p>1.SUNY Stonybrook--safety</p>

<p>Do you know of other schols that can be safety based on my GPA and in the Northeast</p>

<p>Northeastern, SUNY Binghamton.</p>

<p>I'll look into these schools. .I would like more input.</p>

<p>Tell us your interests. City vs rural vs suburban? Do you want to leave NYC or stay? What kind of college atmosphere are you looking for? Oh, would you consider liberal arts colleges or only universities? Do you need financial aid? How about Howard University? Barnard?</p>

<p>I'm looking to leave NYC. I'm looking for a coed school with liberal arts program with diversity. I will look at big universities also only in the Northeast (CT, NJ, MD, PA,MA, VA). I want to major in Biology and Film. I do want to be Pre-med. I do need financial aid since my mom makes less than $40K.</p>

<p>I just need to put four school on the SAT that are definitely safety schools based on my GPA.</p>

<p>OK, that makes things clearer. How about Temple (Philadelphia), Towson(Maryland), Syracuse, SUNY-Albany and Stonybrook, Howard, Northeastern (Boston), Suffolk (Boston), Pace (in NY City, though). You could hit the state schools of other states (CT, Rutgers, UMBC Maryland) but I'm not sure which would be safeties. They might be tougher on out-of-staters.</p>

<p>I was thinking about</p>

<p>1.SUNY Stonybrook
2. University of Rochester
3. Penn State
4. University of Pennsylvania.</p>

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>I've been doing my practice tests daily using the Princeton Review 11 Practice tests for New SAT.</p>

<p>Good choices. U of Pennsylvania is not a safety for anybody- very hard to gain admission. I think you will be in at Stonybrook and Penn State. U Rochester- good choice- they give a lot of aid, great for premed. U of Penn- yeah, go for it. At this point, all you are risking is a free SAT report. When you actually apply, you would probably add a couple more schools, right?</p>

<p>This kids not in as bad a situation..its worse to have a High SAT and low GPA. You've got the work-ethic part down, so I wouldn't worry.</p>

<p>No offense..</p>

<p>Is 92 a high GPA? What about for the ivys?</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. I spoke to an admissions officer for U penn at a college and she says I have a good chance of getting in. It was a minority college fair for the IVy's. U Penn gave me the best feedback.</p>



<p>That is great news that you actually spoke to an admissions person from Penn. If Penn is interested, Brown could be also. I didn't mention Cornell, because it's in the middle of nowhere. Since you need aid, you need to look for places that have money available. It's much easier to get into Penn early decision. Maybe you should consider it. Then, they would commit financial aid to you early. But the catch is, if they offer you a reasonable aid package, you have to accept it, and lose the chance to shop around for better offers. It's only safe to do this if you think a school has a good financial aid program. I did it way in the past (University of Chicago) and it worked for me.</p>