High School Class of 2014

<p>Are you guys ready? (:
Team IB!!</p>

<p>haha, hopefully… is it just me or is this forum extremely empty? from the looks of things there are quite a few IB kids around, but i don’t see this forum being updated nearly as much as the ap test forums…</p>


<p>Haha, i know right ):</p>

<p>So scared. What classes are you guys taking?</p>

<p>I’m taking AP/IB US History SL, IB Calculus SL, IB English SL, IB Psychology SL, IB Chemistry SL, and Theory of Knowledge.</p>

<p>^^ almost a majority of those classes except change Chemistry to Biology, Calculus to Math, add IB Spanish 3, plus the electives of Physics and Marching/Concert Band. And IB is overshadowed by AP and Honors students! I feel there are more of us, but it’s like they barely exist hiding behind the obsession of AP scores! <em>sorry, rant</em></p>

<p>I’m taking IB English HL, IB French 5, IB Film HL and IB History HL. On a side note, I found out that the French teacher who I had last year who can’t teach French “left” the school so I won’t have her yayyyyy. Haha forgot to mention I’m not a diploma student. I’m taking those IB classes as certificate alone with AP Chem and Honors Precalc</p>

<p>It’s been dead for a week or so, but I’ll revive it anyway.</p>

<p>I’m doing the IB Diploma, which is scaring me because of the horror stories that former IB students and IB teachers are telling me. But I’ll take a whack at it anyway. I’m taking:</p>

<p>IB Math HL, IB Biology HL, IB Spanish HL, IB English HL, IB Latin SL, and IB History SL.</p>

<p>I have</p>

<p>IB Physics SL
IB Spanish 4 HL
IB Math Studies SL
IB Music SL ( im looking at switching to film)
IB Englush HL</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure we will all do fine…
IB English
IB Geography
IB Latin
IB Physics
IB Chemistry
IB Pre Calculus</p>

<p>I’m taking:</p>

<p>IB Math HL
IB History HL
IB Spanish HL
IB Physics SL
IB Econ SL
AP Calc AB
and TOK</p>

<p>This week, I had four tests. I got 100 in Math HL, 70 in AP Calc (teacher has never taught calculus in his life and he admits it), 71 in Physics SL and probably failed IB History HL</p>

<p>IB’s looking great for meee!!! <em>sarcasm</em></p>

<p>IB History is killing me. So. Many. Notes. And I’m by a good note taker. IB English sucks. One of my favorite teachers teaches it but I got stuck with like the worst English teacher who hasn’t done anything with us and I can’t switch because of IB Film, Though IB Film is so fun so I’m not going to drop it to get that English teacher. And lastly IB French is wonderful after last year having a teacher who could barely speak French, my new teacher is amazing!</p>

<p>Hey Guys! First Post On CC</p>

<p>IB Junior Year Schedule

  1. IB History Of The Americas HL/AP U.S History Exam*
  2. IB English A HL/ A.P English Language and Composition Exam*
  3. IB Math Studies SL (Accelerated which means i’m taking it in only one year. will be taking AP Calculus AB /Senior Year)
  4. IB Spanish HL/ A.P Spanish Laguage Exam*
  5. IB TOK
  6. IB Biology SL
  7. IB ITGS SL</p>

<p>*Taking AP Exam Without All The Coursework Of A Typical AP Student!</p>


Theory of Knowledge
IB Chem
IB English
IB History of the Americas
IB Film
IB Chinese
AP Chem AB & BC </p>

<p>IB Film is soooo amazing; it’s going to be so much fun. :3</p>

<p>Just got my schedule today. They totally screwed everything up but it’s still better than I expected.</p>

<p>IB Biology HL;
IB History Of The Americas HL;
IB English HL;
IB Psychology HL;
IB Spanish SL;
IB Math SL;
TOK (Starting next semester)</p>

<p>And I was supposed to get Physics SL but I guess that didn’t show up on my schedule. I think it was meant to be though, that’s way too much work :p</p>

<p>Yay, no sleep till 2014! o.o</p>

<p>Its the 2nd week of school & im already stressed out ):</p>

<p>Hey! :slight_smile:
I am taking:
English L&L SL
French B SL
Economics HL
Chemistry HL
Mathematics HL
Spanish AB Initio SL</p>


<p>Aw, how nice! How has IB been so far for you?</p>

<p>So far so good in IB here, though my pessimism doesn’t allow me to expect it to continue…</p>

<p>IB French SL
1/2 Credit of Economics (Non-IB, but required for my school)
1/2 Credit TOK
IB English HL (ugh, I suck at English…)
IB Math SL
IB Biology HL (Most intense class I’ve ever taken!)
IB ES&S SL (one year only, thankfully!)</p>

<p>IB English Lit (A1) SL
IB Chinese Lit (A1) SL
IB Spanish ab initio SL</p>

<p>IB Math HL
IB Chem HL
IB Economics HL</p>

<p>yay it’s good to know about fellow IB-ers on CC! this hasn’t been posted on for a few weeks but I’ll go ahead and share my classes anyway:
IB Diploma-
Biology HL
English HL
History HL
French SL
Chemistry SL
Math SL