High school seniors 2011- who else has gotten in?


<p>What scholarships will he qualify for?</p>

He has a 1340 M/CR SAT so it looks as though he qualifies for the UA Scholar scholarship. He filled out the scholarship application a few days after we submitted the application to UA. At this point we’re just focused on the good news that he has his first acceptance! His plan is to write his essay and submit the Honors College application over the weekend.</p>

<p>What is his major?</p>

<p>If he declares Engineering (any type) or Computer Science as his major, then he’ll get full tuition scholarship PLUS $2500 per year.</p>

<p>^mom2collegekids, do you by any chance work for UA at this point? I mean, I know you’re a parent … but you seem to know SO much about the place! Do you work for them as well, per chance?</p>

<p>My son declared Mechanical Engineering as his major on his application. I think his SAT score only qualifies him for UA Scholars. Although we’re happy for ANY aid that we receive.</p>

<p>My son declared Mechanical Engineering as his major on his application. I think his SAT score only qualifies him for UA Scholars. Although we’re happy for ANY aid that we receive.</p>

<p>If your son qualifies for UA Scholars, then that means his SAT must be within the range below… And that means if he’s an engineering major then he gets full tuition plus $2500…total value of both scholarships…over $90k …amazing.</p>

<p>Note the part in bold.</p>

<p>Engineering scholarship…</p>

<p>*Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition. In addition, they will receive $2,500 per year for four years. *</p>

<p>*mom2collegekids, do you by any chance work for UA at this point? I mean, I know you’re a parent … but you seem to know SO much about the place! Do you work for them as well, per chance? *</p>

<p>LOL…no, I don’t work for Bama… I just have 2 kids there and am blessed with a good memory…LOL</p>

<p>^ Funny. You have an AMAZING memory! :)</p>

<p>^^^And an even more amazing heart.</p>

<p>^re: aglages’ post #65 and m2ck’s response (post #66),</p>

<p>Wow. You’re right, m2ck. (Of course.) For engineering majors, in terms of scholarships, there’s really no difference between a “30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA” and a “32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT (critical reading and mathematics scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA!”</p>

<p>They both get full tuition plus $2500 a year!</p>

<p>I hadn’t noticed that before.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help everyone and the good news about scholarships. Hopefully my son will love UA as much as everyone else when we visit after January.</p>

<p>Hi…are any of the HS senior parents planning on attending the Honors reception in Huntsville on the 27th?</p>

<p>Also, my son has been accepted at UA and received the presidential scholarship. We also have the PACT plan for him…has anyone else used the plan to cover other expenses, and how does that work? Thanks!</p>

<p>I think BAMAMom2Be is going. That’s the one at the Westin, right?</p>

<p>*lso, my son has been accepted at UA and received the presidential scholarship. We also have the PACT plan for him…has anyone else used the plan to cover other expenses, and how does that work? Thanks! *</p>

<p>yes, you can use the PACT money towards other expenses. The Presidential goes towards tuition, and PACT can be used to pay housing. My son’s best friend does that.</p>

<p>BTW…you’re all too sweet. :)</p>

<p>Yes, I’ll be attending the reception at the Westin along with dh, dd, dd’s best friend and her mom, and dd’s ex-boyfriend-still-good-friend and one of his parents. The other parent is probably going to be at our youth orchestra rehearsal with two of their other kids. (The rehearsal that dd and ex will be skipping to attend this reception.)</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply…yes, the one at the Westin…And I have to echo all the comments on your help - finding you and this forum has been so helpful. My son and I attended the preview meeting at Alabama for the Honors program this spring, but he just knew UAH was for him (and I have to admit, he is my last one at home, so I was glad that he would be closer!). Now he has made a complete turnaround and thinks Bama is the school he wants to attend, and I’m frantically trying to remember all that we heard at Bama. Another trip is going to have to be planned, but I’m going to be much better prepared after reading your posts! </p>

<p>I have to admit, being the only Auburn fan in the family (not a graduate), the day after he received his scholarship letter was “support your team” day at work, and I did wear my son’s Alabama jersey. Alabama has left Auburn in the dust when it comes to recruiting! Good news is that his newly married sister is only 30 minutes from Tuscaloosa, so I’ll be able to visit both of them on the same trip!</p>

<p>FINALLY got my UA acceptance! Now just crossing my fingers that the ACT report I should get on Monday will be enough to bump up my scholarship.</p>

<p>Congratulations! We’re hoping for the same good news on Monday. Good luck!!!</p>

<p>Keep us posted, guys! We’re looking forward to meeting y’all at next year’s Family Weekend!</p>

<p>My son received his on Monday. He was so happy that he emailed all our family members and titled the email, “One step closer to living the dream”. Sending happy thoughts about everyones’ ACT scores. RTR!</p>

<p>Woohoo! She was shooting for a 30 and got a 31! Bama, here she comes!!! I just put down the deposit.</p>