UA Admissions Class 2025

Thought I would start a thread for those applying for class of 2025. My daughter was accepted on 12/19. As of now she has not recieved anything in the mail nor any scholarship info. Has anyone who has been admitted received admissions materials via mail or any merit scholarship awards as of yet?

Yes i have received things but i applied back in October. with winter break it might take a little longer to get your mail. She also needs to go into her bama account and apply for competitive scholarships if that is still open

Thanks…she completed the competitive scholarship application a few weeks ago as well

Yes mine was accepted in Nov/Dec with $24,000 a year in merit. This came in a letter about 2-3 weeks later. We are OOS

My daughter was accepted a few weeks ago and has received a few mailings but nothing yet on scholarships. She did also fill out the competitive one. She received an email about Financial Aid and we thought it would be in there but there was nothing. Does the scholarship information come separately from that?

My son received an email recently that said he has to put down a $200 housing deposit by Feb 1 so he can pick housing in early May. This doesn’t make sense because we won’t know about any scholarships until March since he didn’t have an ACT/SAT score to submit. It doesn’t indicate the deposit is refundable?

My daughter received that email recently too. We are still waiting to hear about scholarships as well. She attended the housing webinar the other night and she said that you would get some money back if you decided not to attend, but wasn’t sure how much. I might call next week to confirm the information, just in case she heard wrong. She has not visited the school either and would really like to visit before making a final decision. Hoping more information will come soon.

In order to ensure the chance to choose housing you need to put down the non refundable non binding freshman deposit. Once that’s done you can do the housing application and pay that deposit of which $165 of $200 is refundable if you choose not to attend and notify than by May 1. You are not committed to UA with the freshman deposit in that you are signaling a comittment to attend but it’s not binding and you can still enroll and commit to another school. If you register for one of the freshman orientation sessions (Bama Bound ) than you would be formally committing to attend.

Thank you for the information!

Your welcome. That information was given to me by UA directly in a private FB message in case you are wondering.

Has anyone had the opportunity to visit the school? If so, what is the area like around the school? We’re hoping to get there and do a self guided tour if we’re allowed.

We have not. At this point we are awaiting scholarship offer on Feb 1. (Hopefully that include the competitive award). If it’s good than we will plan on visiting the campus

I’m visiting in three weeks. I will report back but I would assume someone here has been and will probably be able to respond sooner.

hi there. i have a freshman at UA. We are in the midwest and he’s loving loving loving it there, had absolutely no connections to the school or the southeast before now. I have two things to share: there’s a U of Alabama parents FB group that you can search for and join, and get lots and lots of questions answered. Thousands of active parents. Also, housing was CRAZY last year. we signed up late. things turned out fine, but it’s really an ordeal. So, if you think your kid will go there, signing up sooner rather than later might be worth the risk of losing a few hundred. Just saying! Good Luck!

Thank you!

We are hoping to get there by March. Looking at the campus online it looks like a beautiful campus.

This is great information. My daughter and I were just talking about putting down a deposit today for the room, just in case. We can’t commit yet until she visits, but we just want to be prepared.

You mentioned the FB parents group, I am trying to search for it but can’t seem to find it - is it just University of Alabama Parents Group?

sending you a private message!

We filled out the housing application in October and put down the deposit. Does anyone have any knowledge/thoughts on which residence halls are best for Freshmen? Thanks

I would think that would be personal preference depending on your preferences: same sex/coed, honors/not honors, social/quiet, LLC, suite style, etc. Also if location is important in relation to the classes in your major or if you want to be closer to fraternities/sororities. I would decide what you are wanting and then see which dorms fit that criteria and narrow it down from there.

The University of Alabama Parent Group
The University of Alabama Parent Group
The University of Alabama Class of 2025 Parent Group