<p>My math teacher said that Joseph McCarthy is the biggest hero this country has ever had and he deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore.</p>
<p>On this one, I actually have to agree with your math teacher.</p>
<p>it's funny too because we have a self proclaimed "communist" in our class</p>
<p>wow...is this the same teacher that waited until the end of April to introduce integrals?</p>
<p>yea..he's pretty cool</p>
<p>but we dont learn jack</p>
<p>Hmmmmm........ a cool teacher you don't learn jack from interesting. :confused: trademark.</p>
<p>Well, when it comes to teachers don't you have to make a choiuce between cool and effective?</p>
<p>It's rare to find both, in people in general.</p>
<p>tRUE DAT............</p>
<p>although I don't have many "cool" teachers, in whose classes we would do jack, anymore.</p>