Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

I just checked my DD’s account and the stem summit application is still available for her. The due date is July 7 (or 5th) so that may be why it is still available for her. She has not heard anything back about her scholarship application.

now they added another application for the Leadership conference

still haven’t heard anything

Ok this is very odd but now my dashboard has the HSF Conference back (alongside the in progress, so it never really disappeared maybe?) And the National Leadership Conference as well. I don’t know really if this should be read into too much as it seems it was probably just a weird glitch or something, but let us know if you see something different on yours! Still no decision on mine either.

^ Same.

The conferences are there for me too now but they were definitely gone before

I didn’t log in during that time, so I don’t know of mine ever disappeared. They added the Leadership conference though. Maybe they only removed them so that they could add that one.

Hello students,

I have not received any email from HSF as well. If you could please, take a minute to read this. I think it will be mutual beneficial.

My name is Fredi and I am an IU student in Indiana. I am in the honors program studying Business health administrations, with other minors. I have a strong GPA and striving for a 4.0 since I am planning to attend law school.

I am a DREAMER and scholarships and personal income are my way of paying for school. I have been blessed to have received a good amount of aid so far, but need more to accomplish my goals.

I wanted to see if anyone waned to SHARE SCHOLARSHIP NAMES. I can provide you with the names of the scholarships and organizations that I have applied to, but I would expect the same. I have a good amount of knowledge on great organizations like HSF and would not mind sharing them, even if I do not receive anything in return, but of course I would love to discover other scholarships that will aid my in accomplishing my dreams.

Lets get connected and help each other out! Latinos should stick together! My email is fredi.morales1@gmail.com



looks like nothing this week either :((

Same with my DD. She hasn’t received any notification about her scholarship status yet. My DD is a past scholarship receipient so it looks like this year will be the latest that they have notified applicants. For new applicants, please know that I find HSF pretty disorganized. There are always software glitches, notifications and applications disappearing and then magically reappearing and they rarely meet their stated notification deadlines. I just suggest patience which I know is tough. Over the years my DD knows just to not count on any HSF deadlines and there to be mix-ups. Good luck to everyone waiting.

Yeah, looks like it’s gonna be around the same date as last year.

haha just something interesting, wondering if anyone has noticed that the two extra applications on the bottom went from 0 days remaining to 1 days remaining again, so those applications are also being extended it looks like.

@sephyleader I just logged on and noticed that, I was about to comment on it… My guess is they’ll keep extending it until they’ve released scholarship notifications :((

My DD still hasn’t heard anything from HSF. Since the first scholar celebration is July 11, I bet notifications will be out by then. However in other news she got a scholarship paid by Amazon to attend the Tapia conference. This conference is for Latinos interested in Computer Science so I encourage CS Latinos to apply for it next year.

Hey Wizard, what do you mean?

Did anyone else applied to the HSF Scholars Conference? If so, what did you chose on the tab that asks to what conference you are applying to? I can only see the Finance, Media, and the STEM conferences.

I could not see the HSF scholars conference or the National Leadership conference. What do you guys think?

I was able to figured it out. Anyone else applied for the Finance conference?

they extended the deadlines again :))

Yeah, I just seen that. I don’t know if that’s good news or bad news for us waiting on the scholarship decisions.

Haha you get a weekend now :slight_smile: I think itsv’s comment about the first celebration on the 11th is interesting though for sure, Particularity since it is the first one listed. It’d be great to know before the 11th for sure.