Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

@scmd111 @MJBass apparently that is how the waitlist is, mine is like that too.

I got waitlisted. Is that a scholarship or what?

Seems like everyone here has been waitlisted. Has anyone been told they will or will not be receiving a scholarship?

Yeah I haven’t received anything yet.

@anteater20 zot zot! are you a UCI student? I am a UCI alumni :slight_smile: are you waitlisted?

Yes, I am!! Unfortunately, I haven’t heard anything yet.

Mine says waitlisted as well, but no email notification :-/

That’s odd?
Don’t you usually win? I thought it was routine for people to win the awards if they won in previous years.
Has anyone gotten an email or just gone to check their status on the dash board?

I was wondering how do you know if you got accepted, waitlisted, or denied? My dashboard is still the same and it indicates the scholar conferences due date is Aug 20th.

@selimpride Yeah, I was a little surprised as well, but that’s alright. There are a lot of good applicants out there after all. Crossing fingers for further selection. :slight_smile:

Mine was waitlisted as well this year. a year ago I was waitlisted as well and then they randomly put funds in around December after I submitted the stuff around August, so cross your fingers if you get waitlisted, there’s usually an odd mix of funds. They try to notify you by August/September and then sometimes again later on from what I’ve experienced.

I just received an email saying “congratulations you are a HSF Scholar. You have been placed on the waiting list” So basically this does not guarantee a scholarship since it depends on funds. Has anyone been selected for reals to receive a scholarship?

Just received an email, waitlisted…

I don’t know if you guys but I feel sad to be on the waiting list. The odds to get that much needed money are slim. :frowning:

First time applying, received an email notification 30 mins ago. Really surprised I was chosen when it seems like past recipients were waitlisted.

@Lilliana330 congrats on being selected for a conference. My DD just got an email from HSF that she was selected for the scholarship. She is studying engineering and I know HSF gives preference to STEM students. Earlier today her online HSF account said “application selected” and “upload documents”. For wait-list applicants, I think HSF wants your documents to make the process of taking students off the wait list easier. If currently selected students do not submit their documents by the deadline, they lose their scholarship.

@itsv Thank you. Congrats to your daughter + everyone else selected as well :slight_smile:

Submitted everything already, now it’s just a matter of waiting. Good luck everyone!

I got an email that states the following: “Thank you for your submission to the HSF Scholarship Program, and congratulations for being designated an HSF Scholar! At this time, you will be placed on a waitlist for a scholarship award. Should additional funds become available between now and the fall, and you maintain your eligibility as described below, you will be considered for an HSF Scholarship award.

The distinction of “HSF Scholar” means that you are among the best and brightest Latino students in the country and may proudly list this designation among your achievements, in the future. In addition, HSF Scholars are eligible to receive various HSF benefits, such as mentoring, academic support, and career-related services.”

Sooo for those who got waitlisted, we’re basically an HSF Scholar but NOT guaranteed funds? That’s what I got from the e-mail. Sigh :frowning:

I found out today that I was a recipient of the HSF scholarship through email :smiley:

no email yet but i got waitlisted for funds. this is better than getting rejected last year lol, thanks for the info guys!!! I’m actually ok with this