Honors course recommendations

<p>Was just perusing the courses and grabbed an opening for my S in HnFineArts: Photography II - 49775. Does Photography II mean there is a Photography I which he should take before II? Since there have been so many postings about everyone wanting photography was very surprised to see an opening (perhaps this isn’t the photography course everyone wants?).</p>

<p>Photography I is a UH 120 course that doesn’t carry fine arts credit and you do have to take it first as far as I know.</p>

<p>HONORS FINE ARTS (FA) (3 credits)
Photography II (Pre-requisite Photography I)
UH 210 020 49775 W 03:00-06:00 Cooper, G. HC Lab/NT 176
Please contact instructor for more information about this course at <a href=“mailto:ccooper@ur.ua.edu”>ccooper@ur.ua.edu</a></p>

Photography I
UH 120 001 44660 W 01:00-03:00 Cooper, G. 176 NT
173 NT
This course is for beginning to intermediate students and will use creative thinking to take photographs as well as learn to process
images with Photoshop. The course will involve lectures and assignments to help learn the art of photography. </p>

<p>Source: <a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/honorscourses_interim_summer_fall2012.pdf[/url]”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/uploads/forms/Current%20Students/honorscourses_interim_summer_fall2012.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks - I has assumed there should be a pre-req for a II class but and was surprised that it let him register for it without it but the course description (when we clicked through MyBama does not state anything about a pre-req).</p>

<p>Classof12mom, if your student ends up dropping the photo 2 class due to pre-req or whatever please let me know prior.
There was an opening today & my S tried to add it but it was blocked for BB. I didn’t even know it was BB & now it’s gone.
He’s been trying to get in for 3 semesters. He took 4 years of photo in high school so it would be a great class for him.

<p>I’m so sorry, the opening you saw this morning was the one he already dropped. Wish I would have known earlier.</p>

<p>Always a day late & a dollar short, lol
S could have gotten the class but it was blocked for BB.</p>

<p>What does it mean when there are minuses in honors classes or zero actual & minus. I notice honors ind study photo 1-6 credits is -6 and shows 0 spots available.</p>

<p>How about honors mentoring high school readiness? Has anyone taken this class.</p>

<p>Classes with a capacity of 0 and over-enrollment (designated by the negative amount of available spaces) are listed that way so the department can control who registers for the course.</p>

<p>Honors mentoring high school readiness is one of the many mentoring programs ran by honors college students. It would likely require students to arrange their own transportation to the mentoring site(s).</p>

<p>Doing our usual weekly check of UH classes and saw one open that is either a new one or was closed before: UH 300 Seminar. The Legal Process. Different from the Legal Writing course. Just passing it on, since I know a lot of you are prelaw on this forum, and this course may be of interest to you.</p>

<p>^^^^ Montegut - Probably a dumb questiobn, but can an enering freshman take a UH class with a number in the 300’s? My son will be pre-law, so this class would interest him.</p>

<p>^^^Momreads will probably know the answer to that, since her son took a lot of higher level classes early on. I did not see any prereq, though, and no caveat like the FRESHMAN ONLY classes, so I would think so! Good luck!</p>

<p>Yipes. I don’t think DS will be able to do all that UH stuff until junior year…he has a boat-load of requirements in his double major. His Emerging Scholars (1-credit) classes are labeled UA – does that count?</p>

<p>ProudBamaMama: DS took Latin 301 and 302 as a freshman. All you need is clearance from the professor. And we got that at Bama Bound: We had already contacted the prof, who had recommended those classes; then, at Bama Bound, the Bama Bound adviser simply called the prof, verified, cleared DS, and set him up. Easy as pie!</p>

<p>I don’t know if ES classes count as honors. Send an email to Kiki in the HC and ask.</p>

<p>Yes, a student can take a 3XX class as a frosh as long as there isn’t a pre-req hindrance. My son took a 3XX bio class as a fall frosh and a 3XX Spanish class…just signed up, he had the AP credits and Spanish placement as the pre-reqs. I don’t think you’d need any clearance from a prof. A FL class might be different if you didn’t have the pre-reqs.</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification, mom2ck! DS needed the clearance from the prof because he had no AP credits and had not taken the placement test. (He was home-schooled.) However, he’d been studying Latin for years and years and had scored an 800 on the Latin SAT, so the prof thought that was sufficient for clearance. It was a special case. (It always is when you’re home-schooled, I guess. LOL.)</p>

<p>No ES doesn’t count for honors unfortunately. It’s listed for S under electives. I thought it was UH155 but it’s UA155.</p>

<p>Idinct, I was afraid of that! Oh well. Was looking over remaining requirements this a.m., though, and realized that a lot of requirements for X also satisfy requirements for Y and Z, if you know what I mean…so it’s not as daunting as we’d feared.</p>

<p>I hafta say–I am really glad UA has these requirements, because it guarantees a well-rounded education. I attended a very hippie, progressive liberal-arts college with virtually NO requirements. Result: I was allowed to overspecialize big-time (Medieval Studies). I learned a whole lot about the 12th century and not much about anything else.</p>

<p>I hope UA continues to require a solid core curriculum and a wide range of courses in one’s major. Too many colleges presuppose that students have had all the core classes in high school…and that’s a very dangerous assumption these days!</p>

<p>Can anyone provide any more details regarding UH 120: Honors Year One than are provided in the online description of the course?

<p>Speaking of Honors courses, does anyone know what happened to the Professional development courses? They ones for freshman, sophomores, etc. my freshman year.</p>