Honors course recommendations

<p>^^ I was wondering that as well. Those are courses my D would definitely benefit from.</p>

<p>Just bumping this up as professors for some TBA classes have been announced and seems like a lot of people are fiddling with their schedules. That honors course you couldn’t get into before just might have a spot now! Son was able to get into his first choice from earlier this summer, and even though it only fulfills an honors requirement, it’s a class he was very interested in taking.</p>

<p>As of now, one of those Arts of Tuscaloosa classes has a spot open, and there’s a really cool class for those interested in politics under UH 300 about America’s Global Role. I think the Legal Writing, for you prelaw kids, has an opening as well.</p>

<p>Good luck in tweaking your schedule!</p>

<p>S decided not to take the UH 300 class about America’s Global Role since it was only fulfilling UH requirement. I have already purchased two of the required books on Amazon ( they were only about $5 each). Does anyone know if there is a Facebook page or other way of posting these 2 books for sale?</p>

<p>amcm4klm3: You should have no trouble returning the books to Amazon, and the company pays the shipping.</p>

<p>Yes, those UH 300 courses do have a lot of books. Son’s course has about 5 or 6. I’m going to have him get them from the Supe Store though since they also are not that expensive and I want to make sure he gets the correct edition for the class. Three of the books are my favorites, and I know he will love them. He’s choosing to take UH classes he’s interested in and core classes he’s interested in, whether they fulfill both requirements or not. He has to take enough classes he’s NOT interested in because of his major, and since Bama offers such a wide variety of courses, he’s using the core/honors requirements as an opportunity to explore other interests.</p>

<p>Also, with regard to UH courses that don’t fulfill core requirements, if you have a lot of AP credit, you may still need to take UH courses beyond your core requirements. Son has one more humanities/fine arts class to take, but requires 5 more credits for honors requirement. So he’ll have to, best case scenario, take one 3 credit honors/fine arts/humanities class, and 2 credits of honors seminars, irregardless of designation. Since he couldn’t get in a class with honors/fine arts, he’s going to take his honors only class that’s something he’s interested in. That’s why I pointed out the Global Role class, for kids who are not just poly sci majors, but perhaps are kids that are just interested in current events/world affairs, or even kids that are interested in careers in government and the military.</p>