<p>If you don't choose to room at towers, do you still get paired with a honors roomate in your normal dorm? The towers are really nice; but I think they are not worh the extra money. Any other honors students out there thinking of not doing honors housing?</p>
<p>Also, I just got word by looking online that I received the Provost scholarship. How much is that anyway?</p>
<p>I’m in honors and looking at Lake Claire. I’m sure there are others too.</p>
<p>Yeah, I just don’t understand the appeal of the Towers at all, with the almost year-long bound agreement and all; though they are extremely nice, I don’t think they are worth the price.</p>
<p>BTW, what attracts you to applying to Lake Clair? Just curious, as I have no real idea as to which place to apply for yet, though I think I’m leaning to Libra or Nike/Hercules, as they seem like cheap, good options.</p>
<p>Well for me, I like the idea of having my own room. Just having my own space where I don’t have to worry about my roommate if I’m feeling really tired or need to study. Also, Lake Claire is right by the honors college and the performing arts center, where most of my classes will probably be. Also, having a kitchen in the apartment is a plus, too! :)</p>
<p>I figured that I don’t need to have a roommate to feel like I know someone on campus - there’s going to be so many people that meeting new people won’t be an issue. I guess being closer to the gym would be nice (Nike/Hercules are right there) but even to get there isn’t far, maybe 15 minutes? And hey, if you’re going to the gym to work out, a few extra minutes of walking shouldn’t be a big deal, right? :)</p>
<p>So for me Lake Claire is close to where I’ll be for classes and has what I’m looking for. The other dorms are good too, it all depends on what you want and where you want to be close to.</p>
Provost= $24,000</p>
<p>Yeah, that sounds like a pretty good deal. I sort of feel like I would be better off in the single/apartment style dorms, but I feel like if I choose that I will end up isolating myself. Also, I feel as though it isn’t worth the extra money.</p>
<p>Anyone else know if you get paired with a honors roommate if you choose a non-honors dorm?</p>
<p>I think it’s just random for roommates, unless you specifically know somebody else in honors and request to be their roommate.</p>
<p>Yeah, that sucks; I wish that they had like a survey thing or if they matches you based on GPA. What sucks more is that most of the kids I know are going to UF, and most of the “dumb” kids, or rather the irresponsible kids, are the ones going to UCF. Hopefully I can get a roommate but I seriously doubt it.</p>
<p>If money was not an option I would definitely go for the Towers, but I can’t justify spending that extra dough. </p>
<p>The first thing I noticed touring UCF in relation to my UF tour is that the people there seem so immature and irresponsible, and while that is a stereotype, the kids I do know that are attending UCF seem to confirm that reality…</p>
<p>If you email them, they may be willing to work an exception for you:) As oh the ‘survey’ idea, as of what I heard, they did try such a thing a few years back. Apparently, even more roommate complaints occurred the normal, so it was very affective. Maybe people get worried about rooming with an individual who’s the exact opposite and contrition of you-however, it can work both ways. If you room with someone who’s too much like you, there’s a high chance you’ll clash.
Also, in answer to the whole ‘irresponsiable thing’, I suppose it’s based on your opinion. Everyone at UCF seems very nice, easy to relate to. With over 50,000 students, I assure you you’ll find students their who are hard working, intelligent, and mature. Like I said, it’s opinion-I actually visited UF campus a while back, and thought THEY were immature, arrogant, as though you were lucky to be stepping foot on the campus. In all honesty, here in Illinois, people like to say that UCF and UF are leveled with each other.</p>
<p>Like I said though, I suggest emailing them, and see what they can do:)</p>
<p>There’s one building at Lake Claire set up just for Honors college students. I would look more into that…It’s only slight more than Apollo/Libra/Nike/Hercules and it’s not a year agreement.</p>
<p>@ TheTicks - really? I hadn’t heard about that one, I’ll definitely have to look into that. oddownage, maybe that’s more what you’re looking for?</p>
<p>Yes, I don’t know much about it, because it’s clearly not advertised…but 3 or 4 friends of mine live in that building. The chances of getting it might be small, but you should inquire about it! (Each building of LC only holds about 47 people…4 rooms per floor x 4 people per room, except the RA room which is 3 people)…</p>
<p>Anyone know anything more about Honors grouping at Lake Claire?? Also, is there any time that Lake Claire is offered to tour like at an Open House weekend or something? We visited campus earlier this week and the regular weekday housing tours are at Nike/Hercules and Libra, and then a separate one at Towers. The online tour of Lake Claire doesn’t seem appealing, but then neither did the online tour of Libra and it wasn’t bad in person.</p>
<p>mom2them - I ended up emailing housing about the honors lake claire option, and they said it was a LLC for this past year and they hadn’t decided if they were going to keep it there for next year/the future yet.</p>
<p>Well, maybe if other folks email housing asking about options other than Towers since they are so expensive and include summer. </p>
<p>I like the fact that they made honors have the nicest option…but, they need to consider budgetary issues, too!</p>
<p>We toured UCF last week and met with Brandy Christman. I just sent her a follow up email thanking her and asked about Lake Claire and honors. Here’s my exact question and her reply:</p>
<p>Q:I know that Towers is for Honors students, but also discovered that there is one building of honors students at Lake Claire apartments. ----- is interested in Lake Claire since it is close to Theatre and the Honors building. Will that continue in the future? If not, do honors students typically get partnered with other honors students as roommates at other Residence Halls??</p>
<p>A. We expect that Lake Claire will continue to be a popular choice of housing for our students, and so there should remain a large community of Honors students in Lake Claire in the coming years. Housing does try to pair up Honors students regardless of where they choose to live on campus whenever possible. </p>
<p>Just thought I’d share…</p>
<p>FYI…Brandy Christman is the Honors Admissions Specialist.</p>
<p>Don’t waste your money on the Towers. I’m pretty sure they’re keeping the Honors at Lake Claire building next year too. I was never paired with an Honors roommate/suitemate…but I did have friends that were randomly placed with another Honors kid.</p>