Honors Housing

<p>I got into bama and the honors college with the full tuition scholarship, I want to be in honors housing but I don’t want to commit to alabama yet, will i still get honors housing if I commit later on-like 2nd week of april?</p>

<p>We can’t say for sure either way. I think you might. You may not get one when you sign up, BUT…usually there are some kids who change their minds, etc, and then later in the spring more honors rooms become available.</p>

<p>I don’t think that housing will be as crazy this year since the 2nd Presidential is opening and that’s about 1000 more beds. Even if that one isn’t honors, there will likely be some honors students who will choose there.</p>

<p>Good to hear, M2CK; our DS#2 has decided to follow his big brother to Tuscaloosa (!!), but we missed the 2/1 dadline to guarantee roommate selections. DS #2 has been actively recruiting some friends from his magnet program (35% of class are NMSFs, highest of any school in the country, I believe) and wants the flexibility to room with them if possible. </p>