Honors Program Notification

<p>Well I am glad there will obviously be a lot of high achieving, motivated student who are NOT in the honors dorms!</p>

<p>I was accepted! I’m excited! Although, my friend was rejected even though he has a higher class rank and GPA than me.</p>

<p>Accepted as well!!! :smiley: For honors dorms, are you all listing Clements or McFadden?</p>

<p>Congratulations to those accepted and to those not accepted. Those not accepted are still in great company, and still have other Living Learning Community options. </p>

<p>I have a rhetorical question that offers some hope: The e-mail said there were “400 spots”. Does that mean 400 acceptances (by TAMU)? Some of those acceptances will not even be attending Texas A&M - especially if they are mostly National Scholars. They have options. To me, this is a good reason to hope for a significant number of wait list call ups. However, some will wait a month to decline the invitation in order to wait for financial aid offers to arrive - more waiting.</p>


<p>I don’t think we have a choice. On my housing application all I could pick is Honors Housing Community. But it is my understanding that most freshman will be in either Lechner or McFadden and upperclassman in Clements.</p>

<p>If we apply for honors for our spring semester and get in, will we be able to switch to the McFadden/Lechner dorms? Or will we have to finish the year in the dorm where we started?</p>

<p>I was accepted. I’m a NMF. Because I have a much better scholarship offer elsewhere, I probably won’t actually attend TAMU. As someone else said, I’m sure that a lot of the people accepted, and also on the waitlist, have other options. So if you’re on the waitlist and you really do want to do this, don’t lose hope! I hope my spot goes to one of you brilliant, deserving people, and I’m really sorry about your disappointment. I experienced something very similar with a program I applied to at another school, and it absolutely hurt. Just know that no matter what, you all have the talent to be incredibly successful in college. :)</p>

<p>I thought it’d be a good idea to start a thread for the honors program seeing as I now have many questions about it as I’m sure many of you all do too!</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1297578-tamu-university-honors-class-2016-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1297578-tamu-university-honors-class-2016-a.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Well sad night in our house. DS was turned down by Honors program. He is depressed. He was accepted to the Honors program at Auburn and Okie State, but had his heart set on A&M. Now has to decide whether he wants to go to A&M outside the honors programs or one of the other schools Okie St was at total free ride</p>

<p>From those of you who know - any thoughts to share? He is was an auto admit back in December for Mechanical engineering; 1510 SAT. Any advice is appreciated.</p>

<p>How hard is it to get in later and what do you have to do?</p>

<p>Megadoo, since this is the first year of applications for Honors, I don’t know what will be required to later get into Honors, but I’m pretty sure it will require a 3.5 A&M gpa. That is the required gpa to remain in Honors so I’m sure you must have it to apply after freshman year.</p>

<p>Is anyone else surprised by all the new requirements for Honors? Sheesh!</p>

The question to ask is “What is the real difference between starting in Honors and not?” I believe your DS can still register for Honors classes. There was no scholarship explicitly associated with the Honors Program. The main difference is that he won’t be in the Honors dorm freshman year. There is some programming, but most of that is just starting. While that is desirable, the reality is many of the Honors students live off campus at the start of there sophomore year. If A&M is really where he wants to be, there is a lot that would outweigh what might be only a perceived setback. There are a lot of nice Living Learning Communities to consider.</p>

<p>I guess he needs to update his housing choices now (he had Lechner & McFadden as #1 & 2). He is a quiet kid who way too easily could get lost in the numbers; one of the reasons the honors dormatory was so attractive. He is not into sports and doesn’t party. Any ideas which dorms would give him the best chance of finding a group he can feel connected to? </p>

<p>I keeping hearing about Northside versus Southside housing. Which may be better for him?</p>

<p>Megadoo1: My son was waitlisted for honors as well. He was an automatic academic admit to A&M Mechanical engineering back in September. He is also rather quiet, studious, not a party animal, but he does like to have fun. He is an only child, so used to having things to himself. He has marked down the southside dorms with private baths (modular style) for his top choices - Eppright, Wells and Appelt. Those are the ones I would suggest for your son. I would also suggest that your son stick with A&M. The engineering program at A&M is topnotch, much more rigorous and competitive than Okie State and Auburn. The coursework at A&M will be a challenge, regardless of whether it is honors curriculum or not. It is my understanding that they may still be able to register for honors classes if class size permits. Choose an early date for your New Student Conference.</p>

<p>My son goes to a private school in Dallas and we live in Plano.</p>

<p>megadoo1 & Aggie1956 - You may want to consider Mosher , the Living Learning Community for Engineering students. My Aerospace-major son lived there as a freshman and really liked it. He met a lot more engineering students that way, beyond those he met in his classes. My son is also a bright, quiet kid, and he fit in just fine! (Remember, just getting in to the Engineering school is an accomplishment - all of these kids are super bright.) </p>

<p>My S took the potluck-roommate route, which turned out to be a huge blessing. That roommate ended up in apartment this year with some high school buddies, but my son wanted to stay on campus. He is in Epplett as a sophomore with someone he met in Mosher last year and likes it there as well. </p>

<p>My middle S was also denied admission to honors (Mays Business Honors) this year. :frowning: He was accepted to UT (McCombs Business) as well as Tulane and SMU, so we’re also a house facing many decisions over the next few weeks. We may end up being ‘a house divided’. Good thing A&M and UT are in different conferences now!</p>

<p>Just some food for thought - good luck to both of your sons!</p>

<p>Son just got an email that he has been accepted to the Honors Program after being rejected. He (we) are thrilled. So there is some late-game movement going on.</p>

<p>My son also got accepted into Honors off the waitlist. We are both very happy about this turn of events!</p>

<p>That is great news! Congrats to you and your son. :)</p>

<p>Congrats AggieMom! Good things come in time! Here’s to our mechanical engineerinng sons :)</p>

<p>My son got in as well! Just when we were thinking waiting lists meant “no”!</p>

<p>Congrats KSOG!</p>