Honors Program

<p>How does the Honors Program at VT work? Are you automatically in if you qualify through the regular decision application, or is it separate? I'd also like to hear some feedback from students who are in the program, something like a review. Any information is appreciated.</p>

<p>Honors is what sealed the deal for me at Tech. After the information session, we went straight to admissions and I enrolled on the spot. Honors is different from the other schools I visited in that the faculty is amazing and really enjoys seeing students succeed on a level that they might not have expected to be possible.</p>

<p>If you meet the qualifying criteria (a GPA+SAT combination) you’ll receive an invitation sometime in the spring to apply for the program. If you don’t receive an application, check the website to see if they’ve been sent out or contact the staff (<a href=“mailto:honors@vt.edu”>honors@vt.edu</a>.) You may have slipped through the cracks or been slightly below the border so ask if you can apply anyways. The staff is scarily quick with email responses and love to see students take initiative so definitely do that.</p>

<p>There are Honors diplomas, sure, but it’s not all about that chase for a sticker on your diploma. You will have to make progress towards a diploma, but you’re not required to take every honors course offered or anything like that. If you check the website (which is full of information) you’ll see there are a ton of ways to get credit. Basically, don’t stress about honors credit.</p>

<p>As for honors housing: you most likely won’t get it. There are two buildings that offer it, but there is an extremely limited number of beds so only a very select few get in. The rest of us, including myself, have to wait to apply for it in the second semester of school.</p>

<p>There IS a 3.5 requirement once you’re in at VT, so certainly stay on top of that. Other benefits include priority registration for classes over non-honors students which you’ll appreciate when course request comes around in the fall. Just about every department has an honors academic adviser who will have far less students to deal with and therefore have more time for you. I started meeting with mine even though I’m technically not in that department and she has helped me immeasurably. The honors advisers have worked with many students in the past to accomplish all kinds of crazy major+minor+study abroad plans for their 4+ years.</p>

<p>If you make a visit to VT, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop by Hillcrest for an info session and to meet the staff. Honors is the reason I’m here and I’m forever thankful for being a part of the program. The students and everyone involved are incredible. If you get in and stay in, be proud of it and push yourself.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply, learned a lot.</p>

<p>no problem. If you have more questions, contact the staff (maybe your best bet), reply here, or PM me :-)</p>