Honors questions

<p>Are these programs mutually exclusive, or can you participate in all three?</p>

<p>Computer-Based Honors Program
Honors Year One
University Fellows Experience</p>

<p>My son just applied so I haven’t seen the honors application yet. What type of questions are on it? Does it require recommendations?</p>

<p>Can someone PM me a copy of the application?</p>


<p>No recs are needed.</p>

<p>Yes, you can apply to all 3. Some students have been selected to all.</p>

<p>the questions for UHP are easy. The ones for CBH and UFE require much effort and are very important. CBH and UFE have very competitive admissions.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly, UFE allows for a rec to be sent.</p>

<p>do they?</p>

<p>Or is that for those who don’t have the minimum ACT 32? In those cases, a GC can recommend them, and then a UFE app is sent.</p>

<p>m2ck: Yep, last year UFE asked for a resume, the two essays and a letter of recommendation (optional, limit of one). I do not know if these requirements changed for the current cycle.</p>

<p>This was from the general UFE application, it had nothing to do with students that had less than a 32.</p>

<p>Does the rec have to come from a teacher or guidance counselor or can it be from someone else?</p>

<p>The resume’ was required two years ago when D1 applied and her ACT score was above the 32 cutoff. I believe the reference was also strongly recommended and was from a teacher.</p>

<p>From this link, it appears the reference is strongly encouraged. This is not to be confused with the guidance counselor recommendation for those who do not meet the ACT/SAT guideline.</p>

<p>[Fellows</a> Admission | Honors College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/university-fellows-experience/university-fellows-admission/]Fellows”>http://honors.ua.edu/university-fellows-experience/university-fellows-admission/)</p>