Housing Selection Begins Today

<p>For Re-contracting Students: Housing selection begins today for the “Stay Put” selection.</p>

<p>It began at 8AM CST</p>

<p>You need to select “Stay Put” if you will be staying in the same suite, same bed space.
You need to select “Stay Put” if you want to pull in roommates to the same suite during the appropriate selection times.</p>

<p>This is my understanding of the procedure, check the UA housing website and your emails for clarification.</p>

<p>Additional info From Housing Web Site:
Returner Room Selection: Stay Put Today
Returners who recontracted and wish to stay in the same room for Fall 2013 will go online today beginning at 8 am CST and ending at 8 am Feb. 21. </p>

<p>*If you wish to pull a roommate into any vacant space in your room or suite, you must stay put yourself on this day. If you do not choose this space, another student will be eligible to select it.</p>

<p>To access online room selection, go to the HRC website; click on the red house icon above the Quick Links section; log into myBama; select the Fall 2013/Spring 2014 term and click on Room Selection.</p>



<p>I’m confused. Why would a student need to do this? In my D’s case, this would preclude her existing roommates from pulling a friend into her room at the first opportunity, which doesn’t seem fair to them since D is planning to relocate.</p>

<p>I just spoke to the housing office because my S wasn’t offered the option to stay put in his current space he should be eligible for (Presidential). I am waiting for a call back now because we don’t understand why that isn’t an option for him.</p>

<p>The way I understand this is that you need to select “stay Put” in order to first secure a room for yourself and then when the time slot for switching rooms opens you then move your space. </p>

<p>I think UA Housing clarified this, I will see if I can find the post.</p>

<p>Always check with UA Housing first if you are unsure of procedures, but this is the way I understand it to work.</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom: I think that you would want to do that to at least assure that you have a desired space, at a minimum.</p>

<p>Yes, housing is open now, call for any questions.</p>

<p>I am still looking for that post, can’t seem to locate it. Better check wit UA Housing, I will edit that line from my original post.</p>

<p>Yes, I edited that line out of my post. </p>

<p>I suppose that if you were moving, you could do the “Stay Put” option as a safety to secure a space and then move at a later time, but it would then interfere with someone trying to pull a new roommate into your original space. So I guess you need to clarify this with UA Housing as to the correct procedure. </p>

<p>Please post to let us know how it is supposed to work according to them.</p>

<p>So confusing. My son is planning to move from Riverside to Ridgecrest because its honors, and I didn’t even think to tell him to “stay put” just in case. Because freshman haven’t picked yet, wouldn’t there be alot of rooms open for those who were told they could recontract?</p>

<p>Everyone who was selected for recontracting can choose the “stay put” option today. Call housing to clarify if that is a good safety net option if the student is going to move. I just don’t know anymore after checking past posts, it still seems unclear. All I am sure of is if you want to “stay put” now is the time to select.</p>

<p>Rolltide90: Did UA Housing fix the problem with your son’s selection?</p>

<p>Not yet. Still waiting on a call back. They did take my # though. I just hope there isn’t an issue I am not aware of. We met all the deadlines, and it was my prior understanding that if you were currently in suite-style, and were offered to pay your deposit, that a stay-put in your current space was possible. Maybe there is a glitch, because the woman I spoke with mumbled something about “for incoming freshman” so I don’t know how much space in Presidential has been reserved for incoming Freshman students. <fingers crossed=""></fingers></p>

<p>Oldtimers: was this crazy room selection process the same last year (the stay put vs pull in vs move), and can you shed any light?</p>

<p>It seems very unfortunate that if everyone chooses ‘stay put’ today, then no one can be pulled into rooms tomorrow, which will eventually become vacant anyway next week. If everyone chooses ‘stay put’ today, then this does not give Housing an accurate picture (AT ALL!) of what will happen next week when people ultimately want to move and where they want to end up.</p>

<p>Further to this point, if a group of rising Seniors are in a current suite together, and 2 of them are moving and 2 are staying, and the 2 that are moving choose ‘stay put’, then that precludes the 2 who are legit staying cannot pull in new suitemates until next week. </p>

<p>No one will/can move until there is a vacancy in the room, so if everyone is staying put (just as a safety), then this becomes a great big game of chicken and egg next week. IMO.</p>

<p>I just called housing and they told me that even if my son was planning to move, that today he should pick “stay put” and then change it on his selection day (2/27 for him). I asked if you had to do this, and she said no but it was “safer” that way and she would do it if she was him. I e-mailed my son to tell him this information but he might not see it until after all his classes in late afternoon. I think this is so confusing. I would think they wouldn’t want you to “stay put” unless you planned to so rooms could open up. Also with the change in honors housing, I would be a little upset if my son ended up not getting into Ridgecrest because Riverside is no longer honors next year. (We think its important to stay in honors as he’s a housing scholarship recipient and would need to find other recipients to room with in future years.)</p>

<p>^^^That is definitely not what we were planning to do and causes a domino effect of stagnation. It also appears to conflict the response I got here: </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1457030-re-contracting-classification-2.html#post15440640[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1457030-re-contracting-classification-2.html#post15440640&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am also concerned that if students stay put just to know they have a room (which is guaranteed at this point anyway) and then later move to the dorm/suite they want, the remaining students in a suite who want to pull in a specific roommate might lose the ability to pull in a specific person during a protected time and someone else might put themselves there.</p>

<p>kjcphmom-I wouldn’t worry too much about the Ridgecrest dorms filling up, remember the non-honors kids in those dorms right now cannot stay put because they aren’t eligible for honors dorms.</p>

<p>Stagnation, yes, that’s the word for it. So, all of the current honors students in Lakeside or Riverside (for example) are being encouraged to choose ‘stay put’, thus possibly delaying when other students can access those rooms tomorrow (for pull-in) or next week (for relocation). In some cases, if a Senior wants access to a room (and he is eligible to move on 2/26), he may need to wait until a Sophomore (not able to move until 2/28) has vacated, in order to pull in others?</p>

<p>^^ I’ve got to think that a senior would have little problem finding something in Ridgecrest South - south tower, since so few of the students currently living there will be able to stay put. But I agree - if students who aren’t intending to stay in their current rooms stay put, it’s going to be a big mess.</p>

<p>My son lives in presidential in a RA suite. He is not being offered the stay put option because housing said that the RA’s have not been chosen for next year and they do not know if the suite will be male or female next year. I get that but it would of been nice to know that in advance. Now I am told that he will have to go on Feb 25th and select another space. He got 3 emails from housing in the last several days reminding him about staying put day but not one that he could not stay put.</p>

<p>My son is in RCSN and his account is saying he does not have the stay put option either - even though he was accepted to recontract and we paid the deposit. He is not on a housing scholarship but plans on staying in the same room.</p>