Housing sign ups

<p>When do incoming freshmen sign up for housing? How do they sign up?<br>
I just want to make sure that my D doesn’t miss anything.</p>


<p>You have to pay your freshman enrollment deposit and your housing deposit. The freshman enrollment deposit is $200 and is nonrefundable. The housing deposit is $225 and IS refundable but it comes with a nonrefundable $25 application fee.</p>

<p>You pick your room in late spring, I think. The earlier you pay your deposit and get your housing app done, the earlier you will get to pick.</p>

<p>Linnylu, has your daughter filled out the housing application? This way, we can reserve a space for her. She’ll go through room selection in April, so she doesn’t have to know where she wants to live or with whom.</p>

<p>Is the housing application online? I know we sent in the housing deposit. We can’t wait to come visit so we can see what the campus looks like in person. We’ve done the virtual tour on the college website and it looks beautiful!</p>

<p>Good morning!
If you’ve paid your housing deposit, then you’re good for a little while! Please keep in mind that the housing deposit is different than the freshman enrollment deposit.</p>

<p>Here’s a checklist we created to make sure everyone’s up to speed on the process:
<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/pdfs/housing_app_checklist.pdf[/url]”>http://housing.ua.edu/pdfs/housing_app_checklist.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you’re unclear about the process or need more clarification on what comes next, please give me a shout!</p>

<p>Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Can you pay the housing deposit without the freshman enrollment deposit?</p>

<p>No, you have to pay the enrollment deposit first.</p>

<p>My D finally checked her Crimson email account and an email said that Honors Housing for 2012 would be Riverside East, West, and Norther
Lakeside West
Ridgecrest West
Ridgecrest South (north tower)</p>

<p>Are these all the same as this year’s honors housing?</p>

<p>Do all of these dorms have laundry facilities in the dorm?</p>

<p>Yes…same as last year…and all have laundry in the halls.</p>

<p>Thanks, Mom2CK. I asked because I think I read on the housing website that Honors Housing is in the North Tower of Ridgecrest West, but laundry facilities are in the South Tower. </p>

<p>My D went out and bought a red sweatshirt yesterday, something she’s hasn’t owned in years. She said it was because she’s heading to UA. “Santa” is bringing her a UA tshirt and chocolates in her stocking. </p>

<p>Another housing question- do I have it right that Ridgecrest South’s dining table for a 4 room suite only has 2 chairs and is a high table? </p>

<p>Which dorm would be closest to the classics classrooms and english major classrooms- and can you give me the names of those building, please? I promise I’ll write it down this time! I really need to get a good campus map. I tried to print the one off the UA website, but it didn’t work.</p>

<p>Yes, Ridgecrest South’s table is “cafe style”…high with 2 chairs. </p>

<p>I know that when this was discussed before the prospective students/parents were concerned, but the current parents/students assured everyone that suitemates rarely eat at the same time and often don’t even use a table to eat anyway. College schedules are so different from high school schedules. Some kids will be off to classes early, some will have later schedules.</p>

<p>Some parents were concerned that suitemates couldn’t eat together - when in fact, they rarely do anyway. On the rare occasions that they would, college kids are more likely to eat on the couches - casual style anyway. </p>

<p>* I think I read on the housing website that Honors Housing is in the North Tower of Ridgecrest West, but laundry facilities are in the South Tower.

<p>I know for a fact that the North Tower has laundry facilities…lol…I’ve used them! :)</p>

<p>I think you may have misread the wording…It doesn’t say that laundry facilities are in South Tower, it says that Ridgecrest South (which is both towers) has community kitchens, laundry, and classroom space. Each tower has these things.</p>

<p>however, I think only North Tower has the large recreation rooms on the second floor. There is a TV room on the first floor of South Tower.</p>

<p>*Ridgecrest South features two and four-bedroom suites in a 966-bed coed residence hall located near Lakeside Dining and the Ferguson Center. Community kitchens, laundry facilities, and classroom space are located in Ridgecrest South. Honors Housing is located in the North Tower, while the South Tower is open to freshmen and upperclassmen.

<p>Sorry, I have another housing question! How does room assignment work when you don’t have/find someone to room with? Does D just pick any dorm/room and then the University will fill the other 3 rooms? Do you fill out any type of questionnaire to help the university in assigning rooms? D has looked at the Facebook page and some other roommate finder site, but she thinks she has very little in common with the others looking for a roommate.</p>

<p>linnylu - has she looked at the UA roommate finder site? I think as we get closer more and more kids will be posting there. I would think she would be better off trying to match with someone vs going in cold…but I do not really have experience with these things.</p>

<p>The facebook page is interesting. My son doesn’t feel he connects with anyone there, either. There are at least a couple of kids on the UA roommate finder that he seems to share some interests with - although he hasn’t yet tried to connect with them.</p>

<p>I have a question about Riverside East vs. Riverside West. Is there any real difference in the ‘personality’ of those two dorms? I think my son has narrowed his choice down to these two. I know he wasn’t interested in the nerf gun wars at RW…but not sure if that takes over the entire dorm or is limited to just a few units.</p>

<p>Wait, nerf gun wars??</p>

<p>link: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1101892-riverside-west.html?highlight=nerf[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1101892-riverside-west.html?highlight=nerf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Students aren’t “assigned rooms” at Bama. Students pick rooms and beds.</p>

<p>So, when it’s your child’s turn to pick, she’ll see which suites have open beds. She’ll select room/bed A, B, C, or D. If she knows the people in the other beds, fine. If she doesn’t, that’s ok, too. If she picks a suite where no one else is in it, then later students will likely choose the other beds/rooms.</p>

<p>A student picks the actual suite and the actual bedroom/bed. </p>

<p>Many kids find potential suitemates on Facebook…some just “take their chances”…some use the Bama roommate matching system to find potention roomies…</p>

<p>Right now, Facebook might not be the best source, since kids are still deciding. As the season progresses, more kids will be using it. </p>

<p>*I have a question about Riverside East vs. Riverside West. Is there any real difference in the ‘personality’ of those two dorms? *</p>

<p>No different.</p>

<p>DS ended up in Riverside East. He went random with roommates and ended up with great ones whom he really likes and gets along well with. He says Riverside East is the most “normal” of the honors dorms, lol. He likes it because it isn’t crazy. It’s not the most social place in the world, alas, but he has managed to make friends through a church group called Navigators. (We are Catholic, and Navigators is mostly Presbyterian, but so far it is working out OK, except that DS has started talking about predestination a lot. I am going to have him read Thomas Aquinas for balance, lol.)</p>

<p>My daughter has been accepted with a Presidential Scholarship! She has submitted an Honors application. We also paid the enrollment deposit and started to fill out the housing deposit, but I stopped because it said Type of Housing: Non-Honors. Should I wait to pay the housing deposit until she is officially accepted into Honors?</p>

<p>go ahead with it. you can fix it later.</p>

<p>Welcome and congrats to you and your D for getting that scholarship! :)</p>

<p>Don’t wait. You want to be in line for housing. The option for honors will occur as soon as your D is accepted to honors. Don’t worry.</p>

<p>You can always double-check by calling housing after honors acceptance…but deposit now.</p>

<p>Have you posted in our Roll Call thread? If not, please do. :)</p>