How Are My Chances Of Getting Into UC Davis, UCLA or UC Berkeley So Far?

I am only a rising sophomore.

Freshman Courses
Algebra 1: A
Biology: A
English 9 Honors: A-
Physical Education: A
Spanish 1: A
Theology 9: A
Financial Literacy (S1)/ World Geography (S2): A

GPA Unweighted: 4.00
GPA Weighted: 4.07

Leadership: Freshman Class Representative
Volunteer Work: 20 volunteer hours at a nursing home

Sophomore Courses
Pre-Calculus (I took Geometry and Intermediate Algebra over the summer)
AP US History
Art 1A/1B
English 10 Honors
Theology 11/12 (Theology 10 did not fit into my schedule)
Spanish 2

UC’s do not use Freshman grades in their GPA calculation only 10-11th so early to give chances with no 10-11th grades and not test scores. Your Freshman GPA is great so HS so continue doing well in your classes, increase your HS course rigor, start looking at taking the PSAT during Sophomore year to get a feel for the test, continue with your EC’s to show consistency and enjoy the next 3 years.

Sorry about the typos but too early to chance so come back end of Junior and see where you stand.

It’s really difficult to chance anyone after their sophomore year, let alone their freshman year. Don’t get too caught up in the college application process yet - you still have 3 more years to go, and you should enjoy high school while you’re in it! That being said, your grades are good, keep them up; make sure you look at other possible ECs to get involved with next year and into the future. As @Gumbymom said, come back when you finish junior year and then you can truly know your chances. GL!

You finished one year of HS and should be able to see for yourself that your grades are good. Please please please stop the chance me threads when you have only one year of a GPA, no standardized testing, one year of ECs etc. It is a meaningless exercise. You have already asked about your chances for Stanford and you were told that it is too early – this is no different.

As I noted on your other post, it is good to be a serous student and understand that college is in your future but at this point you should not be thinking about admissions to any particular college or group of colleges. Keep working hard and doing your best and see where you stand junior year. In the meantime, you should be able to find better ways for you to spend your time and energy as a rising sophomore.

Please also recognize that people on CC are volunteers who give of their time to try to help people with college questions. With posts like these you risk frustrating posters so they may be tired of your questions by the time you are ready to get meaningful help/suggestions. Use the site judiciously.

I’m sorry about all of this. I’m just a little obsessed about academics and college. I will stop these posts

If you’re so interested in colleges, I would steer you to the other forums on CC that have to do with what is considered a good EC, and stuff on that level. It’s good to have an interest with colleges and the admission process (I do too) but it is a waste of everyone’s time to ask for us to chance you as a rising sophomore. GL in the future!

Go to the High School Life forum specifically

So far so good but. as other caution, even if you maintain that GPA, keep an open mind about your next step. There are just 9 UCs and slots are limited - and they aren’t for everyone. Most are huge and can be quite impersonal where students sink or swim on their own, leading to a strangely competitive environment. There are a lot more good colleges in CA than there are UCs.