<p>Sorry for the late response, everyone- again, thanks so much for taking the time to respond! (lengthy post alert)</p>
<p>I’ve just been going ahead in the chapter a little bit so that when the teacher starts on a new topic I don’t get completely left behind. Right now we’re doing analytic trig (double angle formulas, etc) and it’s pretty heavy on memorization so I think I would be able to do okay on the test, but the next few chapters make up for that by being immensely confusing to me. I’m pretty sure I wear the derpiest expression on my face during class :P</p>
<p>I agree about the whole weighted part- I would really prefer getting straight A’s, which I could have in the rest of my subjects if it weren’t for math. If I have to suck it up and get a B in precalc, I’m totally all right with that, but I’m worried that I’m going to end up dragging my AP Bio/Spanish grade down too (they’re both borderline)</p>
<p>That’s great that you guys have 5 levels for math, though. If there were a level between the semi-honors and honors course, I would totally take it! Our semi-honors class is pretty easy though, I heard, so I’ll probably have close to an A+ in that class if I did decide to take it…which means more time for everything!
The only downside is that I’ll probably feel less intelligent than the other kids who are somehow cruising by with a 98% in honors right now, but I’m okay with that. <em>nods reluctantly</em> </p>
<p>As for now, since I definitely cannot drop down /this/ semester without jeopardizing my transcript, I’ll just have to tough it out and use the links you guys suggested to help me with math! I’ve heard really good things about Khan Academy and I’ll be sure to check out the other links as well. Hopefully that coupled with ample studying will help me maintain or boost my grade.</p>
<p>But come second semester, I think I’ll probably level down regardless of whether I get an A/B just to preserve my sanity. I’ll be doing track as well and as we often have to skip 5th period (when I have math) for meets, I’ll be even MORE lost, not to mention the virtual time vacuum track can be with regard to EC’s and classes and all, lol. Plus, I really want to tutor people in AP Chem, which is my favorite subject. </p>
<p>so I think I’ll do this:</p>
<p>Remainder of 1st semester → focus super hard on math and try to get that A
2nd semester → level down but make up for it with great EC’s/volunteering/leadership/etc etc</p>
<p>Again, thanks so much for your guyses’ help!! I feel a lot more comfortable now, having a good idea on how to tame the lion that is math for me :P</p>