How badly will a C in my senior year grades/downward trend hurt my chances?

<p>I have a 77 in an AP class right now. Will this hurt my chances a lot? I applied to the School of Management.</p>

<p>Depends on what the rest of your stats are.</p>

<p>Right now I have a 3.62 uw gpa not including my senior year grades. If I include those it’d probably drop to a 3.55-3.58 or somewhere around there. I’m not sure what it would be yet because our semester grades haven’t come out yet.</p>

<p>ACT score:29
SAT: 1990 superscore
Rank: 35/300</p>

<p>One C+ shouldn’t get you revoked or anything. Just stay out of trouble with the law and you’ll be fine</p>