First, I need some clarification. What is “major GPA?”
Does it account for pre-req classes found on ASSIST’s transfer agreement or all the classes that fall under the subject of one’s major (e.g. SOC 1, SOC 2)? My major GPA stands at a 3.5 (if we are looking at the latter).
Secondly, I want to discuss the question stated in the title.
Long story short, I received a C and a B during my year of “teenage angst (16y/o).” I did exceptionally well in 4 of the other SOC classes I took, and don’t see any problems in future SOC classes. In other words, I messed up in the beginning of my CCC career, so I’m really anxious to know whether or not it’s going to “bite me in the ass.”
By the way, I am a sociology major and my GPA is 3.70. Thank you for your time!
Also, I hope you guys could kill another bird with the same stone.
Will the UC’s take my Winter 2015 grades (2 more A’s
) into account? I submitted another TAU in February with my Winter 2015 grades.
Not entirely sure about the major gpa thing. I believe the major gpa is decided from the courses that assists lists for you to complete for your major. For ex: my major is sociology and assist says i needed to complete soc 101 and Statistics at my specific community college for my major pre-reqs for sociology. I received an “A” in statistics and a “B” in Soc 101…so my major gpa must be pretty high i’m assuming i guess. Again, not sure if i am correct or not so take my info with a pinch of salt.
As for your winter grades…the UCs say that if you submit any grades after the TAU filing deadline (Jan 31st) there is no guarantee that they will receive them in time for them to be included with your other grades in making a decision. But there is a small chance they could though since some UCs tell you to keep updating your TAU until march if need be.
hope you found this a bit helpful.
I think only UCLA looks at major GPA.
Your winter grades may be considered, but there is no guarantee.
haha same here! A in stats and B in Soc 101. The classes on ASSIST vary depending on the university, so I’m in luck (All A’s :D) for all the UCs except LA and Cal if that is the case. Now that I think about, as for Winter 2015 grades, my gpa would only be bumped .03, so it doesn’t really matter either way. You reap what you sow, right? Thanks for your input, Kyle!
Still, if anyone has a definite answer to two my questions, “How big of a role does major GPA play?” and “What is major GPA?,” I’d appreciate it.
@luckie1367 UCLA is my first choice right now :\ Do you by any chance know how much they’ll look into it?
UCLA is the only campus that calculates major GPA (except Haas school of business). Are you saying your overall transferable GPA is 3.7 and your major GPA is 3.5? Is not sociology impacted at UCLA? I think the admitted overall GPA is 3.70, so you’re competitive. I’m not sure how the lower major GPA might affect things. Do you have extra-curriculars? How do you feel your essays were?
I have no idea
I don’t think my application is solid overall. I started community college at the age of 16, and things were very unstable at during those juvenile times. I have my priorities straight now, active in many extracurricular activities and ready to excel, but that doesn’t mean anything in regards to my application
thanks though. You answered my question.
Well if you show an upward trend in GPA that’s one of their big concerns. Plus you’re overall is competitive. Good luck!
@lindyk8 Hi I’m also worried about my major gpa. I’m an anthro BA.I just took 3 online major-classes and I got A in 1 and B in the last 2 bc somehow my stuffs submitted were having some trouble. I’ll be taking 1 more major class(there’re only 4) and if I get an A in it then my major gpa will only be 3.5 and my overally gpa would be around 3.78 (if I get all A in fall). I really want UCLA so do you think with this low major gpa i’m basically out? or like 90% out?
THank you!!
@uclabruin96, I’m sure you’ve seen the Ucla Admitted Transfer GPA by major…
It has both anthros (BA and BS) with an avg of about 3.4-3.5. That’s the uc-transferable. I don’t know what the actual major GPA is, but your overall transferable GPA is substantially higher, so you’re definitely competitive.
Is there some sort of major-related EC you could do? Maybe volunteer at a cultural center a few hours a week, or similar? I’m not sure you really need it, but if you want to hedge your bets, try that.
As anthro isn’t selective, the amt of weight they’ll put on major GPA will not be as stringent as the super-competitive majors.
Assuming you get an A this fall, that’s 3 As and 2 Bs in major coursework. Be sure to note in the additional comments about the upload issues.
@lindyk8 hmm yes I see. Well I volunteer at the Bowers Museum and teach Viet to kids at this one local weekly, but that’s all I really do as ec. On assist there are only 4 pre-reqs for my major, so that’ll be 2 A and 2 B.
So does that mean I am not too likely to be cut off? (bc I don’t want to try to pretend that my stat’s fine while in fact it’s not fine ):
by the way I’m really thankful for your help. I see you quite often on collegeconfidential helping out others, too ^.^
I can’t speak for UCLA admissions, but you are certainly competitive as far as I can tell. Your ECs sound good. Personally, I think you stand a good shot.