How difficult is VTCC in regards to college life?

<p>I am currently at the moment locked in an unsettling argument between my parents about my decision to go to VTCC, and I want to hear your opinion about what VTCC life is like.</p>

<p>At the moment, one of their high tier arguments is that VTCC will become more important than current academics, and the VTCC will demand me to focus on the services and training instead of schools. </p>

<p>I know the website refutes this argument, but my parents have verbatim stated, "they will do anything, even lie to you, to get numbers. You're a piece of meat the have to have." </p>

<p>At the same time, they also argue that the discipline placed on me will not allow me to enjoy the "College life" and "college, real world experience". They want me to live "normally".
I've argued many times that it has been my decision, and my willingness to serve through the ROTC program with VTCC, but it's been a hard, uphill battle with my parents, and I can handle the academics and work, </p>

<p>(my current GPA is 3.8 on a 4.0 scale, I hold an NHS officer position, President of local FBLA,)
I did the physical test with my PE teacher (52 pushups in one minute, 65 situps, 15 pullups, 6:45min. mile)</p>

<p>Could anyone give their two cents about this?
At the moment, I'm slightly under stress since my parents are threatening to revoke my VT decision entirely.</p>

<p>Are your parents opposed to you joining the military after college? If that’s not your plan then definitely there is no point to the Corps of Cadets IMHO. But if your goal is to serve in the military then the Corps is perfectly fine and is an experience that will benefit you in the military.</p>

<p>Your college life will be different in the Corps. You will have less free unstructured time to pursue varied interests or alternatively get yourself into trouble. I agree a tad bit with your parents that the Cadet training can sometimes come at the expense in the pursuit of the maximum possible GPA. The Corps is training you for military service and “max gpa” isn’t the sole criteria for success.</p>

<p>You should be able to achieve a solid gpa in your major while in the Corps.</p>

<p>Try, they have a place for SMC’s and current cadets and grads can give you their .02</p>