How do I know if I should do IB diploma?

I am a good student but sometimes my grades aren’t always amazing. I’m halfway through sophomore taking all honors classes plus IB chem 1. I can’t imagine not taking higher level classes. I ended freshman year with a 3.95 weighted GPA. I sometimes struggle with math, but mainly because of my incompetent teachers. My school 9th and 10th grade classes prep for IB classes using the same assignments, rubrics etc. Even, if I don’t always get As, should I do the diploma? Again, I am a diligent student and hard worker.

If you’re taking IB Chem 1 that means you must be really smart. I’m just in honors Chemistry, but the people in my school that take AP Chemistry (my school doesn’t let sophomores take IB classes) are usually really smart and are all doing the IB program. If you’re not good at math, just don’t HL in math or physics. You should HL in chemistry since you already have experience taking an IB class for that.

If you don’t do IBDP, will your school say that you didn’t go for the most rigorous program / course selection? In that case, if you aim top universities I think it is safer to stick with IB. I am not an expert with the IB system in the US, but here, in Europe, it is extremely difficult to get straigth As in IBDP even for academically super talented kids. Having said that, I must add that the US universities usually know that fact and act accordingly.

You should also be aware that the full diploma program is very time consuming. They say it comes with its rewards in the college. But in the high school kids doing IB usually don’t have any spare time for other activities. If we had the chance, we would have chosen an AP school for our kids.

If you go with the IB and if you don’t feel comfortable in math, you can choose an SL course in math. If you are not sure you can start with 4 HL (one of them being math) and then drop one HL to SL (either math or another subject). Check it with your counselor. In our school you can do it till the end of the first term of your junior year without effecting your transcript.

The diploma program is extremely challenging and just so much work. But in my case, I wouldn’t have not taken it… so think about your school - are the kids who are in the IB program better than the kids who aren’t? if there’s a huge difference, then stay in the IB program and truly work hard!

I’m currently a senior taking classes for the IB diploma. If you’re diligent and a hard worker, you’ll be able to manage the IB Diploma. Classes do definitely get harder as you progress to HL’s and other high level classes. I currently get around 3-5 hrs of sleep per night…and it’s not fun. I managed a 4.46 GPA by the end of junior year, but I have friends who have managed to get straight A’s every year to end up with a GPA of around 4.55ish.

Even if you don’t get the stellar grades, I think the IB Diploma is a must. It’ll prepare you for college classes, and it’s so much fun to go through difficult assignments and less together with your peers. You’ll learn to work and study together with others on a greater level than before. That’s at least what happened to me. Again…if you’re diligent and hard working, you’ll definitely manage to get on by with the IB diploma.

Many kids at my dc’s. school end up dropping out, it won’t hurt to start and see how it goes.