<p>Hi college's parents</p>
<p>I post this in the college life forums, and a parents/professor said that I should try posting in the parent's forum.</p>
<p>Hi parents, I don't know how it happen, but my first year in college, my parents were going through a divorce and for the first month, I was really depress. After that initial month had passed, everyone seem to have form their own group of friends, and I didn't belong to any of them. I sort of went crazy, I couldn't concentrates on my study and end up almost on academic probation. Fortunately I didn't, but my grade were barely passing. Needless to say, I was alone that whole time, and every weekend drove me crazy to the point that I was becoming suicidal because of it. I had a very hard time just trying to get out of bed because I knew I had no one to hang out with and beside school works, there was nothing else to do.</p>
<p>The whole summer I was so worry that as a Sophomore, since I was still gonna dorm with the freshman hoping that at least I can make some friends. I was afraid that if they know I was a sophomore, they would assume I have friends already. Well none of that happen, I came to school late this new school year because I was attending my cousin's wedding out of state. I came right on the same day that instruction began, and at first I thought it was still possible to make friends, but as the weeks passes by, it became much harder, until now when the first quarter is almost done. This is no joke people, I'm getting very desperate, I even try joining a frat to make friends but I didn't get in.</p>
<p>I talk to my mom on the phone last night for over an hour, pouring my heart out, and crying. She didn't understand the whole time, she said it was alright to not have any friends, and that colleges is all about studying. I'm already alone this whole time, and now not even my mom understands what I am going through. I'm trying my best just to attends every class, doing all my school works even though majority of the time I lack the motivation and energy to do those things.</p>
<p>I don't know what to do at this point, I'm going to worry over Christmas break and will dread coming back to school.</p>
<p>If someone is reading this, please give me any advices or suggestions.</p>