How do I tell UM that I will not be attending this Fall?

<p>Do I email admissions?</p>

<p>I don't know for sure, where are you going?</p>

<p>Im going to UT Austin</p>

<p>If there is a reply card, you can send that in, otherwise an email should be fine. Good luck at Texas.</p>

<p>Or, if you lost the card, yes, email them. I did the same with Smith.</p>

<p>Good luck to you! My son thought about applying there, but it is far for us and two flights to get there. Have fun!</p>

<p>My daughter sent in the UM reply sheet saying that she is not attending (she chose UF instead) but we are still getting UM mailings for accepted/attending students. Do you think it got lost in the mail and we should follow up with an email or they simply haven't taken us off the list yet?</p>

<p>My D e-mailed her admissions rep and received a confirming e-mail. Yet we still got a phone call while we were out yesterday (no recorder).</p>

<p>Please make sure u follow up by email, since I got waitlisted and every admission space open is an opportunity for people in my position.</p>


<p>Good luck to All!</p>