How do you guys relieve stress?

<p>I need some ideas! There's a lot going on in my head right now and I can't decide what's causing me to stress out. </p>

<p>ITT: Post what you do to escape life and school.</p>

<p>I listen to my favorite music (Radiohead, Coldplay, Gorillaz, Kanye, MIA etc). I eat (bad idea if you do it often but it helps). I smoke weed when I’m REALLY stressed like right now before finals and SAT. I play video games. Sometimes I just sit pensively and think of what’s causing me to stress so much.</p>

<p>I take a nap, listen to music, or just go on CC (though I am not stressed right now). theReach, are u serious about the weed?.. I don’t know what to say about that, living in this protected bubble of a quiet suburb.</p>

<p>Just occasionally yeah…it helps relieve stress, because for one I have OCD and it blocks it.</p>

<p>oh, makes more sense now… i guess. I’m very ignorant about stuff like that and I am not proud of it. Anyways, another way to relieve stress for me is to do some go on Facebook or chat with other stressed out friends. Complaining to them helps a lot :)</p>

<p>I mostly do all of what you guys said (except the weed part) and I still feel a burden on my shoulders as if I have to do something incredibly huge to get rid of it.</p>

<p>Weed definitely helps, but don’t go out and do it just to relieve stress if you’re not totally into it.</p>

<p>I personally have a stress personal trainer person because I got TMJ from stress and my parents got worried. I usually just try to take things in stride, tackle things one thing at a time and do my best.</p>

<p>exercise releases happy chemicals and makes you feel better. You probably need to sweat too though.</p>

<p>I listen to music, but the best thing that’s helped me feel happy and calm so far is watching a movie next to the woodstove and doing homework. Movies calm me, and homework helps me feel not lazy. Oh, and playing Guitar Hero and Halo with this one guy.</p>

<p>video games for life</p>

<p>i sleep, go to cities, go to concerts, listen to music, hang out with people, and art. trains are really nice places to just sit and think things through.</p>

<p>I take naps or listen to music.</p>

<p>yoga, and it counts for CAS.</p>

<p>i have no clue… i have so much stress right now that im tired and frustrated all the time… any ideas?? also dont have time to go to sleep</p>

<p>music is the universal stress reliever. </p>

<p>a lot of my friends smoke pot but most of them are idiots so that might not be the best idea. </p>

<p>other than that…party?</p>

<p>When I’m stressed, I make to-do lists. It helps me feel more in control, even if it doesn’t really solve anything.
In terms of coping, it just kind of depends. Sometimes music is good. Sometimes friends are good - but more often that’s all just a distraction. I really need to have productive time to get to feeling better. I’ll get up a few hours early to finish big projects. I never stay up late because I don’t function well without sleep. I tell myself to take things a step at my time, whether I’m following my lists or not.
Right now, I’m totally overwhelmed, but not letting myself get stressed. I’ve found that there’s a difference and I can manage it to some extent - or maybe it’s just a tiny case of senioritis. Either way…</p>

<p>steal candy from babies, scare some old people, or kick a few puppies.</p>

<p>you’ll feel better in no time.</p>


-Play some kind of instrument
-Stare out the window</p>

<p>-listen to music
-get off computer
-walk around
-play tennis/ice skate</p>

<p>Exercise is a good way to relieve mental fatigue (I like dancing, too).</p>

<p>To relieve stress in general, I like to write in my journal and talk to my friends.</p>

<p>If it’s stress that I can’t identify the source of, I try to figure out why I’m stressed… otherwise nothing is really distracting enough to help. :0 But getting a little existential in my journal usually helps ID the source of my worries.</p>