This is hard to think and write about but D20 is questioning everything. She was a very high achieving high school student, 4.0 UW and 5s on all AP exams. She applied to her top choice school ED and was accepted. She was prepared to work hard and be challenged and specifically chose a school where she wouldn’t be the smartest kid.
In the fall, she called home 3-4 days a week sobbing and asking to come home. Everything was “wrong” - incompatible roommate (they don’t speak at all) and several meetings with ResLife to find a solution, no friend group because classes and club activities are all on Zoom, grades are suffering because there is no connection to classmates or professors (several profs haven’t even set foot on campus during the semester), virtual asynchronous classes that say 4-50 minute classes per week but are 4 90-minute prerecorded lectures plus 1,000 pages of reading (for one class). D has attempted counseling but sessions get cancelled at the last minute. DH and I feel we are being fed lip service because we get emails detailing all of the wonderful things they are doing and providing for the students (private spaces for telemedicine appointments or personal phone calls, extra mental health services) but when we try and point D in the direction of the resources, she gets nowhere or is told they don’t know what she is talking about because they haven’t heard of it. Meetings with the Dean result in her being told she is just having a hard time adjusting to college life because of Covid.
This semester, we don’t get the crying phone calls or hear much of anything so we think things are better. Pick her up last week to take her for a Covid vaccine and she looks awful - too thin, stressed out, exhausted. We ask why she isn’t calling and she says it’s because she doesn’t have any place to make a private call. She questions everything about her experience: did her HS not prepare her for college work, why does her roommate hate her, should she have picked another school, how much is influenced by the almost constant isolation caused by Covid, should she transfer, if she does will she get as good a financial aid package… I have answered student questions on CC where they ask about being unhappy and don’t feel they belong so I know she isn’t alone in feeling this way but it is so hard when it is your own kid.
TLDR - how do you know it’s time to start seriously consider transferring and where on earth do you start?