How easy is it to change Majors?

<p>just in case I want to switch.</p>

<p>I want to know it too. Waiting for answers.</p>

<p>It really depends on what major you’re switching into. It’s relatively easier during your freshmen year because you don’t have many credits yet. But switching to a major in a different college, like Liberals Arts to the College of Science, probably means different requirements that you need to research before considering changing majors.</p>

<p>If I want to switch into ECE from CS at the start of first semester in my freshman year, will it be easy?</p>

<p>nope, not at all. you would be trying to switch from the college of science into the college of engineering, which is hard. I’m not even sure you can do that 1st semester.</p>

<p>OK maybe I can try…But it seems there isn’t much difference between CS and ECE for me; I’m just curious. Thank you!</p>

<p>The amount of difference depends the classes in ECE you would take. ECE is basically two majors in a engineering school with some overlap. If you go for the Electrical path, you would just take 1 programming class I think with the rest more about hardware. It still depends on the specific classes you would take. I took a Digital Signal Processing class, but I was taking the Electrical path. If you go for the Computer path you have some hardware classes and do take several programming classes, but you don’t take as many as you would as a CS major.</p>

<p>If you go ECE, the first two years as the same. When you get to the three level classes that is when you differ between Electrical and Computer.</p>

<p>It didn’t seem like too big a deal for the students that switched from ECE to CS, but they ended up taking one more year of the ones I knew.</p>