How Generous Is UM with Scholarships/Financial Aid?

<p>So you need at least a 1350 on the SAT to even be considered for a scholarship?</p>

<p>Yea, SVMMom already said that earlier in this thread, too, actually. I think they make occasional exceptions, though (as in my case). Also, I’m talking about merit based scholarships, not need based.</p>

<p>My son had a 1510 SAT, 4.1 GPA and lots of AP/IB (entered UM with 29 units from AP/IB). He did get the $24,000 scholarship & a $5,000 music scholarship, but no Singer invite. I figured that for the Singer, you needed really good EC’s. He had 4 yrs orchestra and 4 yrs for two sports, but very little community service, certainly nothing that made him stand out in that respect.</p>

<p>Five years ago, I had a 3.8 semi-weighted (I still don’t know how this worked, my school only weighed APs, not honors classes) and a 1410 and I got a half scholarship (equivalent to the 16k now). I called them and tried to get the 3/4 scholarship cause my scores all qualified, but they told me my class rank wasn’t high enough (I went to a specialized HS, so this was kind of BS), but it never hurts to call and ask for more money.
As far as paying for it, tuition was about 16-17k each year with my scholarship and with expenses (room, board, flying, books, etc), we took out about 30k in loans each year. So yes, I have a lot of student loans. Lucky for me, my parents are helping me out, but ti definitely is a decision you have to make whether it’s worth it or not. Paying back my loans is going to be a challenge and is quite frankly, going to suck, but I loved UM and if I had to make the decision all over again I wouldn’t change anything.</p>

The problem is that since I want to do medicine, I know med school is going to get me in debt, so I dont want to be in it during my undergrad education</p>

<p>I pretty much NEED a Singer scholarship but its unlikely.
I am studying A LOT for the SAT and hopefully that will help but my GPA is kind of low(4.6 Weighted and 3.6 UW) for now at least. It will go up this year some.
Also my class rank isnt that good since I go to the most competitive school in South Florida and we have over 4000 students as well.</p>

<p>But I wont give up hope</p>

<p>im a junior in hs and was wondering what the general requirements were for acceptance to any regular school, aka upper tear (not IB league but not community colleges). I have a 3.69 GPA unweighted and have been getting around 160’s on my PSAT’s (i dont know if you can give me advice with just my psat scores).</p>

<p>How many Singer Scholarships to they offer/award? Does anyone know?</p>

<p>Hi everyone. Just wondering about my scholarship chances.
I am a male from a private high school in Philadelphia
SAT: 1390 (2040)
GPA: 3.75
I have a pretty good ammount of EC’s
2 great teacher recs (I assume) and an equally great counseler rec.
Also, my essay is on my time volunteering with my little cousin at the Special Olympics.</p>

<p>Could I be eligible for a scholarship? If so, how much?</p>

<p>Thanks!! And good luck to all applicants!</p>

<p>IT’S ALL ABOUT THE |<em>|</em>_<em>|</em>|</p>