How hard is Algebra II

Hi, I finished Algebra I with a 99 and just squeezed through Geometry with a 93. Next year I will be taking Algebra II and I am worried on how hard it is. Can someone help me?

Is there a serious question? You have As in both classes. Why are you concerned? You will be fine.

Just because I got As in those classes doesn’t mean I will get an A in Algebra II. The material is different.

I found Algebra II much easier than geometry, but that’s just how my brain works.

At my son’s school, kids usually are better in Algebra I and II or geometry. Of course some are strong in both. If you’ve gotten a high A in Algebra I and an A geometry, you should be fine.

So easy! If you did well in Geometry and Algebra 1 you’re bound to do well in Algebra 2. I am sure you can answer the question yourself looking at your own grades. :)>-

Algebra 2 is definitely more difficult than algebra 1, but since you did so well in those other two subjects, I’m sure you’ll have no problem!