how hard is architecture internal transfer?

<p>hi i got in to vt for engineering.
but these days im really interested in architecture and interior design...
how hard is it to transfer to architecture major and what does it take to change the major?
ive read about the internal transfer in the website.
but i want to know how competitive it is to get into arch and also, does it take longer to get the degree ?</p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>currently the school is not accepting any transfers prior to May 1 into either Architecture or Engineering. I’d LOVE it if you did when you can, because I’m trying to transfer into engineering, and I’m guaranteed in as long as there is space.</p>

<p>jso, you would most likely be best off if you can enter CAUS before you enroll as an engineering major. I don’t know if you can do the switch and gain admission prior to the fall, that is something you need to ask them. </p>

<p>The problem with switching during or after your first year is the fact that you will need to go to both summer year one fundamental design sessions (one in each summer school session). Then they review your work and possibly place you (they say on the website that this isn’t even guaranteed (!)) in either your first year of the program or the second. It all depends on the work they see from the two summer sessions, your GPA, etc. So, yes you would either be looking at the regular 5 yr. program of a BARCH (best case scenario) or 6 yrs total with that additional needed year. </p>

<p>Let us know what you find out- I am curious as to see if they allow a situation like yours to happen. It is competitive as heck to get - 100 seats and over 1000 apps. Good luck though and congrats on your admission!</p>

<p>hey, how would you know that tech are not gonna accept any transfer student ?</p>

<p>I dated a girl that went through transferring into CAUS.</p>

<p>You have to take a bunch of classes, including required summer classes, and even if you get all A’s they still may deny your transfer request after a year and the classes will be useless. You can try again the next year but by that point slim has already left the building. It’s really, really hard and will set you back, minimum, a year.</p>

<p>It’s not that they aren’t accepting transfer students. Tech is not allowing any changes in majors until May 15. After that, it will be on a case by case basis. This is directly from the admissions department.</p>

<p>i just got a reply that i wont be able to change the major and i have to ask them back on may 15 if there is a space available and they will see my files to see if they will let me in…</p>