how important is straight teeth to you?

<p>I had my wisdom teeth takin out several years ago, and I'm glad: now I'm hearing all these horror stories. I look at my mouth in the mirror, and I can't imagine how more teeth could fit in the back! :)</p>


<p>There are a lot of reasons why we had a use for them in the past, but it's pretty obvious that they've become more of a nuisance to humans than anything. </p>

<p>I mean, would you let an inflamed appendix burst and kill you?</p>

Well, then why were we born with wisdom teeth if they are so bad? There has to be reasoning as to why we have them.....


<p>"wisdom teeth were useful when it was common for humans to lose several teeth to decay by the age when they appear.[1] Most people have four wisdom teeth, but it is possible to have more or fewer. " Wikipedia.</p>

<p>Evolution, my friend, evolution.</p>

<p>I was born without wisdom teeth. :D</p>


<p>I had braces. When I started the orthodontic process, my orthodontist said that on a scale from 1 to 10, ten being the worst teeth, mine were a 9. They were all bunched up, top and bottom; they were so bad I couldn't floss. My jaw was just too narrow to hold them all. They had to spread out my jaw (ouch)... orthodontist did just about everything in his repertoire to get my teeth straightened out. And now they're perfect. :D <-- What a great emoticon for this context!</p>