How long did it take for A&M to give you their admissions decision?

<p>Texas has tightened up what is required by High Schools to make up the top 10% as well. When my daughter graduated in 2009, her high school did not weigh AP & Honors classes any differently than non AP & Honors classes. In her class a good percentage of the top 10% students had never taken an AP or Honors class and were not on the distinguished graduation plan, they were on the easy road to top 10% college admission. Thanks to some changes made by TEA, this is no longer the case for Texas High Schools.</p>

<p>It is surprising to hear that there is such a cheating issue at your school, even more that a teacher would walk out of the room during a test.</p>

<p>While I am sure there is some cheating on homework, tests at any school I am sure it is not that common for most schools. </p>

<p>I think the review admit process at A&M is helpful to those that fall outside of the top 10%. If you study and prepare for the ACT/SAT the required score is pretty attainable.</p>

<p>Good luck to you, I know it must be frustrating to wait.</p>

<p>Your French is arguably the worst non-auto admit pseudo-self-indulgent pieces of paragraphs in this forum.</p>

<p>i am a review admit that submitted my app on August 3rd and still do not have a decision</p>

<p>^Yikes. That’s awful! Have you been in contact with them over the phone? Are you certain they have your application and there’s no logistical problems?</p>

<p>If so, I’m just going to make a wild guess and say that perhaps they’re waiting until the some of the auto-admits turn down their offers and make room for the next group – the review-admits. There WILL be accepted students who choose to go elsewhere, so spaces WILL open up eventually, I’d think.</p>

<p>Please consider calling admissions to be sure everything’s okay, if you haven’t done so already.</p>

<p>Yes I have been in contact with them and they told me to wait until February 15. It makes no sense because my friends that didn’t submit apps until October have already been accepted</p>

<p>Okay im not an auto academic admit either im in the top 14% of my class and i have not received word back either but your four month wait has relieved me some i have been waiting for 2 months…hope they accept me…</p>

<p>I was in top 20% when I applied and I got accepted in about 2-3 weeks if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>@izelkay What was your SAT score ?</p>

<p>Is there anyone that’s not an auto-admit and been rejected?</p>

<p>@xleadinglifex story of my life. My school is the exact same way, and I’m the exact same way. hah.</p>

<p>I called the admissions office today and they said by the end of the month…which is next week! I’m keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>^Wishing you happy news! :)</p>

<p>just got in</p>

<p>I was in the review category but was extremely close to the academic admit. I applied in early October and heard back mid-December.</p>

<p>My son was a transfer and he found out Thursday! I guess they have started letting in the transfers now. I thought we were going to have to wait until May! Gig EM! We are so excited!</p>

<p>@royaltygirl Oh my god! Your son already found out?!
If you don’t mind me asking… What is he majoring in? How was his gpa? and how many hours does he have?</p>

<p>Sorry if that’s too much! haha I’m waiting extreeeeemely patiently to find our if My transfer app is going to get accepted or not! :)</p>

My standardized test scores were nothing spectacular. 1920 SAT and 30 ACT.
But, now that I’m thinking about it, the reason I was probably accepted so fast without being an auto-admit is because my brother is a Sophomore at A&M right now. Do you think that’s why?</p>

<p>@izelkay I’m not sure if family lines at A&M really do persuade the admission to too much unless they’re someone crazy important.
My uncle was the head of one of the departments for over 30 years and it didn’t help me when I was applying for freshman 2011 admission.
I got wait listed, then got the letter saying they had no room
They actually didn’t accept anyone from the wait list for the freshman 2015 class
or at least that’s what a admission counselor told me a month or so ago.</p>

<p>@leahed my son has a 3.9 from CC with 42 hours completed. At the end of the sem. He will have 52. He is a political science major. His sat test were not good because he took them only once as a junior. He just decided to concentrate on grades instead of retaking the test. I guess it worked! We are thrilled!<br>
Good luck to everyone!</p>