REVIEW admits- decisions

<p>When are decisions going to be made for review admits? A&M is horribly slow, UT gets many more applications and still managed to get results out already. -_-</p>

<p>maybe UT doesnt give the attention A&M does to the review process.<br>
Yep, A&M is horribly show. They go through 30,000 applications for roughly 8200 spots.
Who knows why it takes A&M Admissions so long, it just does. We don’t know the process each university takes to select the students they want to attend their school.
A&M has rolling admissions and the final admits will come in May and some as late as April. It can be a tough wait for some kids going through the review process.</p>

<p>My mother had called them last week and they stated that they were gonna get all letters out in the first week of march. Fingers crossed XX</p>

<p>Went to Aggieland Saturday yesterday and the admission office people were saying that they hoped to get decisions out by end of February or first week in March at the latest. They also said that they have around 16000 applications to review and around 2000 places left - so we’re preparing for denial and taking a closer look at places where our son has been accepted already - if he’s one of the lucky ones then great but with those odds it’s not looking good.</p>

<p>The slide I saw at Aggieland Saturday said that review admissions would be made by April 1, so you may have to hang in there a little longer.</p>

<p>16,000 applications for 2,000? Looks like I’m going to Blinn. </p>

<p>So it seems the consensus at this point is most people will know by the end of the first week of March, with later decisions by the end of March? After waiting so long, I can wait a couple more weeks.</p>

<p>i got in yesterday</p>

<p>Oh, nice. Congrats! </p>

<p>I’m one of those unmotivated students so my class rank is low but my GPA is 3.29, which is kind of high. I go to an extremely competitive school (administers the most AP tests every year), though. And I have plenty of leadership/extracurriculars/job experience. So everything but class rank (and my SAT is just a bit above average with a good writing score) has me in. So I don’t really know if I’m going to be 1 out of 8 and get in.</p>

<p>Wait…are you saying that there’s only 2,000 spots for 16,000 applicants left? I’ve already been accepted (not trying to sound like an ******* here), and i’m just wondering where you heard that because that number is kinda crazy.</p>

<p>My brother heard right after Christmas that he was accepted. He should have been a review admit, but I think he must have snuck in as an academic admit because his class rank is very close to being top 25%.</p>

<p>Admissions in Review session by the Office of Admissions during Aggieland Saturday. Assume the figures don’t include the people accepted but won’t attend - who can predict that figure? Take it if you’re borderline you’ll be asked if you want to be wait-listed.</p>

<p>Yeah, people who were close to auto admit were accepted quickly.</p>

<p>Checked AIS, here’s what it said:
Thank you for your interest in Texas A&M University. This year’s applicant pool is very competitive, and the number of high achieving, admissible applicants for Fall 2012 freshman admission exceeds the number of students we can accommodate in our freshman class. While we are unable to offer you full admission at this time, we are pleased to offer you the following option:</p>

<p>Participation in Texas A&M’s Program for System Admission (PSA)
Upon admission to one of the TAMU System institutions, Texas A&M will guarantee admission to students who successfully complete their first year of college at one of the seven participating Texas A&M University System schools and satisfy all PSA requirements. The program is limited to specific majors and requires that applicants complete at least 24 transferable hours with a minimum 3.0 GPR in courses noted in the program specific degree plans.</p>

<p>Very disappointed I didn’t get full admission. If I don’t get enough money to go to TCU or Baylor, I will probably go to Texas A&M Commerce, work hard, get my 3.0, and transfer.
Good luck to all of the review admits still waiting!</p>

<p>Tough break. Sorry about that. I’m expecting that or a full no at this point. I applied to Blinn so when I hear my no I’m going to set up my stuff at Blinn and transfer after a year or a semester if I can.</p>

<p>I was a review candidate and was accepted in mid-December. I am out of state but was extremely close to the academic admit so I’m assuming that’s why I heard quicker than others. Sorry to hear you were not admitted Amandyline…the college admissions process can be heart-breaking when you don’t get in where you want to go. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t throw out Baylor though. I got into both Baylor and A&M but it too boiled down to finances for me. Baylor did give me a ton of money though. Still, A&M gave me in-state which was hard to beat. If I were you I might just take out some loans and go to Baylor. It’s a great school with very accredited programs and you’ll have no trouble getting a job out of there. It also depends on what you want to do. If you’re thinking law or med I’d go Baylor. If you’re thinking Engineering or Business I’d try to transfer into TAMU.</p>

<p>Either way, your options are fine. Plus you’re tuition will probably be less expensive at the satellite campus. DavidSH I wish you the best and hope that they accept you or offer you Blinn.</p>

<p>Anyone else hear back yet? I still have yet to hear.</p>

<p>I heard that they are trying to get all decisions out today.</p>

<p>where did you hear that? We talked to OoA yesterday…and they told us by Spring Break (end of next week)???</p>

<p>^^^ That is what I’ve heard as well.</p>

<p>Thank you for your encouraging words, SergeantCowboy!</p>